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  • Envisat SCIAMACHY Level 2 [SCI_____2P]

    This Envisat SCIAMACHY Level 2 Total column densities and stratospheric profiles v7.1 dataset is generated from the full mission reprocessing campaign completed in 2023 under the ESA FDR4ATMOS project. It provides atmospheric columnar distributions and stratospheric profiles for various trace gases based on the Level 1b version 10 products. This SCIAMACHY Level 2 dataset contains total column densities of O3, NO2, OClO, H2O, SO2, BrO, CO, HCHO, CHOCHO and CH4 retrieved from Nadir measurements. Additionally, cloud parameters (fractional coverage, top height, optical thickness) and an aerosol absorption indicator are enclosed. Stratospheric profiles of O3, NO2, and BrO are derived from limb measurements, along with flagging information for different cloud-types. Tropospheric NO2 and BrO columns are retrieved combining limb and nadir measurements. This SCIAMACHY Level 2 dataset version 7.1 replaces the previous version 6.01. Users are strongly encouraged to make use of the new datasets for optimal results. For limb O3 profiles, a separate product derived from the previous Version 6 processor is provided distinctly -> SCIAMACHY Level 2 - Limb Ozone [SCI_LIMBO3]. This is because the V7.1 limb ozone data is unsuitable for long-term change studies due to its divergent behavior from earlier processor versions, particularly from 2009 onwards. This divergence stems from residual deficiencies in the Level 1, resulting in a vertical oscillating pattern in the drift and bias profiles. In contrast, Version 6 limb ozone data does not exhibit these oscillations in bias and drift. Further details on this issue can be found in the latest README file. The new products are conveniently formatted in NetCDF. Free standard tools, such as Panoply, can be used to read NetCDF data. Panoply is sourced and updated by external entities. For further details, please consult our Terms and Conditions page. Please refer to the README file for essential guidance before using the data.

  • Envisat SCIAMACHY Level 2 - Limb Ozone [SCI_LIMBO3]

    This Envisat SCIAMACHY Ozone stratospheric profiles dataset has been extracted from the previous baseline (v6.01) of the SCIAMACHY Level 2 data. The dataset is generated in the framework of the full mission reprocessing campaign completed in 2023 under the ESA FDR4ATMOS project. For optimal results, users are strongly encouraged to make use of these specific ozone limb profiles rather than the ones contained in the SCIAMACHY Level 2 dataset version 7.1. The new products are conveniently formatted in NetCDF. Free standard tools, such as Panoply, can be used to read NetCDF data. Panoply is sourced and updated by external entities. For further details, please consult our Terms and Conditions page. Please refer to the README file (L2 v6.01) for essential guidance before using the data.

  • Envisat SCIAMACHY Level 1b [SCI_____1P]

    This Envisat SCIAMACHY Level 1b Geo-located atmospheric spectra V.10 dataset is generated from the full mission reprocessing campaign completed in 2023 under the ESA FDR4ATMOS project. This data product contains SCIAMACHY geo-located (ir)radiance spectra for Nadir, Limb, and Occultation measurements (Level 1), accompanied by supplementary monitoring and calibration measurements, along with instrumental parameters detailing the operational status and configuration throughout the Envisat satellite lifetime (2002-2012). Additionally, calibrated lunar measurements, including individual readings and averaged disk measurements, have been integrated into the Level 1b product. The Level 1b product represents the lowest level of SCIAMACHY data made available to the users. The measurements undergo correction for instrument degradation applying a scan mirror model and m-factors. However, spectra are partially calibrated and require a further step to apply specific calibrations with the SCIAMACHY Calibration and Extraction Tool [SciaL1c]. For many aspects, the SCIAMACHY Level 1b version 10 product marks a significant improvement with respect to previous mission datasets, supplanting the Level 1b dataset version 8.0X with product type SCI_NL__1P. Users are strongly encouraged to make use of the new datasets for optimal results. The new products are conveniently formatted in NetCDF. Free standard tools, such as Panoply, can be used to read NetCDF data. Panoply is sourced and updated by external entities. For further details, please consult our Terms and Conditions page. Please refer to the README file for essential guidance before using the data.

  • Envisat SCIAMACHY Geo-located atmospheric spectra [SCI_NL__1P]

    This data product covers geo-located, radiometrically and spectrally calibrated limb and nadir radiance spectra for Nadir, Limb, and Occultation measurements with additional monitoring and calibration measurements. The Level 1b product is the lowest level of SCIAMACHY data delivered to the users. The instrument Instantaneous Field of View (IFoV) is approximately 0.045 deg (scan direction) x 1.8 deg (flight direction). This corresponds to a ground pixel size of 25 km x 0.6 km at the sub-satellite point (nadir) and of 103 km x 2.6 km at the Earth's horizon (limb). Nadir measurements have a maximum swath width of 960 km (in scan direction) and a typical footprint of 30 km (along track) x 60 km (across track). Limb measurements have a tangent height range spanning from 0 to 100 km with 3 km vertical resolution. Azimuth scans are performed for constant elevation angle, typically 34 elevation steps per limb scan. Maximum azimuth range is +/- 44 deg relative to S/C velocity (Note that the azimuth range is adjusted to observe the same atmospheric volume as for nadir measurements within five minutes). The radiometric resolution is 16 bits, with a spectral resolution of 0.24 nm to 1.5 nm, depending on the spectral range. The Sun normalized radiometric accuracy is 2 to 3% in unpolarized light, and 3 to 4% in polarized light. The relative radiometric accuracy is less than 1% and the spectral accuracy spans form 0.005 nm to 0.035 nm. Individual measurements from dedicated monitoring states include: Sun over diffuser Subsolar calibration Spectral lamp measurements White light source measurements Elevation mirror monitoring (Sun/Moon) ADC calibration Level 1b products are corrected for degradation applying a scan mirror model and m-factors. The latest Level 1b dataset is version 8.0X.

  • Envisat SCIAMACHY Total column densities and stratospheric profiles [SCI_OL__2P]

    The data product provides global column distributions and stratospheric profiles of various trace gases. Total column densities of O3, NO2, OClO, H2O, SO2, BrO, CO, HCHO, CHOCHO and CH4 are retrieved from Nadir measurements. Additional cloud parameters (fractional cloud coverage, cloud-top height, cloud optical thickness) and an aerosol absorption indicator are enclosed. Stratospheric profiles of O3, NO2, and BrO are derived from limb measurements and with flagging information for cloud-types. Tropospheric NO2 columns are retrieved combining limb and nadir measurements. The latest Level 2 dataset is Version 6.01.

  • Envisat GOMOS Level 1b - Limb spectra [GOM_LIM_1P]

    This data product describes localised calibrated upper and lower background limb spectra (flat-field corrected, with and without stray light). Coverage is as follows: Elevation range: C25+62 deg to +68 deg Azimuth range: +90 deg to +190 deg (with respect to the flight direction). The file size is Mbytes per occultation, depending on the duration of the occultation.

  • Envisat GOMOS Level 2 - Atmospheric constituents profiles [GOM_NL__2P]

    This data product describes atmospheric constituents profiles. In particular the vertical and line density profiles of ozone, NO2, NO3, O2, H2O, air, aerosols, temperature, turbulence. Coverage is as follows: Elevation range: +62 deg to +68 deg Azimuth range: +90 deg to +190 deg (with respect to the flight direction). The file size is 1 Mbyte per occultation, depending on the duration of the occultation.

  • Envisat GOMOS Level 2 - Residual extinction [GOM_EXT_2P]

    Re-computed transmission spectra corrected for scintillation and dilution effects, before and after inversion. Coverage is as follows: Elevation range: +62 deg to +68 deg Azimuth range: +90 deg to +190 deg (with respect to the flight direction). The file size is 1 Mbyte per occultation, depending on the duration of the occultation.

  • Envisat GOMOS Level 2 - Atmospheric constituents profiles - Gridded User Friendly Product [GOMOS_UFP_gridded]

    This data product describes atmospheric constituents profiles: In particular the vertical and line density profiles of ozone, NO2, NO3, O2, H2O, air, aerosols, temperature, turbulence. Coverage is as follows: Elevation range: +62° to +68° Azimuth range: +90° to +190° (with respect to the flight direction). The GOMOS data are now also available as user friendly products in the NetCDF4-format. These files are Level 2 constituent profiles and are altitude gridded. These Level 2 files include quality flags and are based and collected on a yearly basis.

  • Envisat GOMOS Level 2 - Atmospheric constituents profiles - User Friendly Product [GOMOS_UFP]

    This data product describes atmospheric constituents profiles: In particular the vertical and line density profiles of ozone, NO2, NO3, O2, H2O, air, aerosols, temperature, turbulence. Coverage is as follows: Elevation range: +62 deg to +68 deg Azimuth range: +90 deg to +190 deg (with respect to the flight direction) The GOMOS data are now also available as user friendly products in the NetCDF4-format. These products are occultation based (dark and bright) and include all GOMOS Level 2 constituent profiles (O3, NO2, NO3, O2, H2O, air and aerosols) and HRTP profiles with all the essential parameters as in the original Envisat data set format.

  • Envisat GOMOS Geolocated Calibrated Transmission Spectra and Photometer Fluxes [GOM_TRA_1P]

    This data product describes the geolocated and calibrated transmission spectra products, containing the full transmission and the covariance spectra needed for Level 2 processing. Coverage is as follows: Elevation range: +62 deg to +68 deg Azimuth range: +90 deg to +190 deg (with respect to the flight direction). The file size is 1 MB per occultation, depending on the duration of the occultation.