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  • Fundamental Data Records for Radiometry [MWR_FDR___]

    This dataset is a Fundamental Data Record (FDR) resulting from the ESA FDR4ALT project. The Fundamental Data Record for Radiometry V1 products contain intercalibrated Top of the Atmosphere brightness temperatures at 23.8 and 36.5 GHz. The collection covers data for the ERS-1, ERS-2 and Envisat missions, and is built upon a new processing of Level 0 data, incorporating numerous improvements in terms of algorithms, flagging procedures, and corrections. Compared to existing datasets, the Radiometry FDR demonstrates notable improvements in several aspects: New solutions for instrumental effects (ERS Reflector loss, Skyhorn, and Sidelobe corrections) Native sampling rate of 7Hz with enhanced coverage The FDR4ALT products are available in NetCDF format. Free standard tools for reading NetCDF data can be used. Information for expert altimetry users is also available in a dedicated NetCDF group within the products. Please consult the FDR4ALT Product User Guide before using the data. The FDR4ALT datasets represent the new reference data for the ERS/Envisat altimetry missions, superseding any previous mission data. Users are strongly encouraged to make use of these datasets for optimal results.

  • SPOT-6 to 7 full archive and tasking

    The SPOT 6 and 7 satellites ensure data continuity with the no longer operational SPOT 5 satellite and provide an archive of very high resolution optical acquisition as well as the possibility to task the satellites for new acquisitions. Following the completion of the SPOT 7 mission in March 2023, new acquisition tasking is only available for the SPOT 6 satellite. The ortho-products are automatically generated by the SPOT 6 and 7 ground segment, based on SRTM database or Reference3D when available. The projection available for SPOT 6 and 7 ortho-products is UTM, datum WGS84. Bands combinations: Pansharpened: colour image at 1.5 m resolution Bundle: 1.5 m panchromatic image and 6 m multispectral image. Geometric processing levels: Primary: The Primary product is the processing level closest to the natural image acquired by the sensor. This product restores perfect collection conditions: the sensor is placed in rectilinear geometry, and the image is clear of all radiometric distortion. Standard Ortho: The Ortho product is a georeferenced image in Earth geometry, corrected from acquisition and terrain off-nadir effects. Tailored ortho: Aside from the Standard Ortho product, when different specifications are needed, a custom orthorectification, with a more precise 3D model provided by the client or acquired for the purpose, can be provided on demand. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • Envisat ASAR AP Co- and Cross-polar L0 [ASA_APC/APH/APV_0P]

    The ASAR Alternating Polarization Mode Level 0 (Co-polar and Cross-polar H and V) products contain time-ordered Annotated Instrument Source Packets (AISPs) corresponding to one of the three possible polarisation combinations: HH & HV, VV & VH and HH & VV, respectively. The echo samples in the AISPs have been compressed to 4 bits/sample using FBAQ. This is a high-rate, narrow swath mode, so data is only acquired for partial orbit segments. There are two co-registered images per acquisition and may be from one of seven different image swaths. The Level 0 product was produced systematically for all data acquired within this mode. Data Size: 56-100 km across track x 100 km along track. There are three AP Mode Level 0 products: ASA_APH_0P: The Cross-polar H Level 0 product corresponds to the polarisation combination HH/HV. ASA_APV_0P: The Cross-polar V Level 0 product corresponds to the polarisation combination VV/VH. ASA_APC_0P: The Co-polar Level 0 product corresponds to the polarisation combination HH/VV= H and H received/V transmit and V received.

  • SPOT 6 and 7 ESA archive

    The SPOT 6 and 7 ESA archive is a dataset of SPOT 6 and SPOT 7 products that ESA collected over the years. The dataset regularly grows as ESA collects new SPOT 6 and 7 products. SPOT 6 and 7 Primary and Ortho products can be available in the following modes: Panchromatic image at 1.5m resolution Pansharpened colour image at 1.5m resolution Multispectral image in 4 spectral bands at 6m resolution Bundle (1.5m panchromatic image + 6m multispectral image) Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • Envisat ASAR AP Medium Resolution L1 [ASA_APM_1P]

    This ASAR Alternating Polarization Medium Resolution Image product has been generated from Level 0 data collected when the instrument was in Alternating Polarisation Mode. The product has lower geometric resolution but higher radiometric resolution than ASA_APP and contains one or two co-registered images corresponding to one of the three polarisation combination sub modes (HH and VV, HH and HV, VV and VH). This product has been processed using the SPECAN algorithm and contains radiometric resolution good enough for ice applications and covers a continuous area along the imaging swath. The ASAR AP L0 full mission data archive has been bulk processed to Level 1 (ASA_APM_1P) in Envisat format with the IPF-ASAR processor Version 6.03. Spatial Resolution: 150 m ground range x 150 m azimuth.

  • Envisat ASAR Global Monitoring L1 [ASA_GM1_1P]

    This product has been generated from Level 0 data collected when the instrument was in Global Monitoring Mode. One product covers a full orbit. The product includes slant range to ground range corrections. This strip-line product is the standard for ASAR Global Monitoring Mode. It is processed to approximately 1 km resolution using the SPECAN algorithm. The swath width is approximately 400 km. The ASAR GM L0 full mission data archive has been bulk processed to Level 1 (ASA_GM1_1P) in Envisat format with the IPF-ASAR processor Version 6.03. Spatial Resolution: 1 km ground range x 1 km azimuth.

  • Envisat ASAR IM Single Look Complex L1 [ASA_IMS_1P]

    This data product represents a single-look, complex, slant-range, digital image generated from Level 0 ASAR data collected when the instrument is in Image Mode. Seven possible swaths in HH or VV polarisation are available. The product is primarily intended for use in SAR quality assessment and calibration or applications requiring complex SAR images such as interferometry, and can be used to derive higher level products. The spatial coverage is about 100 km along track per 56 - 100 km across track, and the radiometric resolution is 1 look in azimuth, 1 look in range. The file size is 741 Mbytes. It is worth highlighting that Azimuth pixel spacing depends on Earth-Satellite relative velocity and actual PRF and slant range pixel spacing is given by ASAR sampling frequency (19.208 Mhz). Auxiliary data include: Orbit state vector, Time correlation parameters, Main Processing parameters ADS, Doppler Centroid ADS, Chirp ADS, Antenna Elevation Pattern ADS, Geolocation Grid ADS, SQ ADS. Spatial Resolution: Approximately 8m slant range x approximately 4m azimuth.

  • Envisat ASAR AP Single-Look Complex L1 [ASA_APS_1P]

    This product is a complex, slant-range, digital image generated from Level 0 data collected when the instrument is in Alternating Polarisation mode. (7 possible swaths). It contains two CO-registered images corresponding to one of the three polarisation combination submodes (HH and VV, HH and HV, VV and VH). In addition, the product uses the Range Doppler algorithm and the most up to date processing parameters available at the time of processing. It can be used to derive higher level products for SAR image quality assessment, calibration and interferometric applications, if allowed by the instrument acquisition. A minimum number of corrections and interpolations are performed on the data in order to allow the end-user maximum freedom to derive higher level products. Complex output data is retained to avoid loss of information. Absolute calibration parameters are available depending on external calibration activities and are provided in the product annotations. Spatial Resolution: Approximately 8m slant range x approximately 4m azimuth.

  • Envisat ASAR IM Medium Resolution L1 [ASA_IMM_1P]

    This ASAR Medium Resolution strip-line product has been generated from Level 0 data collected when the instrument was in Image Mode. This product has lower resolution but higher radiometric resolution than the ASA_IMP. It is intended to perform applications-oriented analysis on large scale phenomena and multi-temporal imaging. This product provides a continuation of the ERS-SAR Image Mode data. The ASAR IM L0 full mission data archive has been bulk processed to Level 1 (ASA_IMM_1P) in Envisat format with the IPF-ASAR processor Version 6.03. Spatial Resolution: 150 m ground range x 150 m azimuth.

  • Envisat ASAR IM Precision L1 [ASA_IMP_1P]

    This is a multi-look, ground range, digital Precision Image generated from Level 0 data collected when the instrument was in Image Mode (7 possible swaths HH or VV polarisation). The product includes slant range to ground range correction. It is for users wishing to perform applications-oriented analysis and applies to multi-temporal imaging and to derive backscattering coefficients. The stand-alone image is generated using the Range/Doppler algorithm. The processing uses up to date (at time of processing) auxiliary parameters corrected for antenna elevation gain, and range spreading loss. Engineering corrections and relative calibration are applied to compensate for well-understood sources of system variability. Absolute calibration parameters, when available (depending on external calibration activities) are provided in the product annotations. This product provides a continuation of the ERS-SAR_PRI product. Spatial Resolution: 30 m ground range x 30 m azimuth.

  • Envisat ASAR IM L0 [ASA_IM__0P]

    The ASAR Image Mode source packets Level 0 data product offers Level 0 data for possible images processing on an other processing site. It includes some mandatory information for SAR processing. The Image Mode Level 0 product consists of time-ordered Annotated Instrument Source Packets (AISPs) collected by the instrument in Image Mode. The echo samples contained in the AISPs are compressed to 4 bits/sample using Flexible Block Adaptive Quantisation (FBAQ). This is a high-rate, narrow swath mode so data is only acquired for partial orbit segments and may be from one of seven possible image swaths. The Level 0 product is produced systematically for all data acquired within this mode. This product provides a continuation of the ERS-SAR_RAW product.

  • Envisat ASAR WS L0 [ASA_WS__0P]

    The WS Mode Level 0 product consists of time-ordered AISPs collected while the instrument was is in Wide Swath Mode. The echo samples in the AISPs have been compressed to 4 bits per sample using FBAQ. This is a high-rate, wide swath (ScanSAR) mode so data is only acquired for partial orbit segments and is composed from five image swaths (SS1 to SS5). The Level 0 product is produced systematically for all data acquired within this mode. The objective of this product is to offer Level 0 data for possible image processing on another processing site. It includes mandatory information for SAR processing. Data Size: 400 km across track x 400 km along track.

  • Envisat ASAR AP Precision L1 [ASA_APP_1P]

    This ASAR Alternating Polarisation Mode Precision product is generated from Level 0 data collected when the instrument is in Alternating Polarisation Mode (7 possible swaths). The product contains two CO-registered images corresponding to one of the three polarisation combination submodes (HH and VV, HH and HV, VV and VH). This is a stand-alone multi-look, ground range, narrow swath digital image generated using the SPECAN algorithm and the most up to date auxiliary information available at the time of processing. Engineering corrections and relative calibration (antenna elevation gain, range spreading loss) are applied to compensate for well-understood sources of system variability. Generation of this product uses a technique to allow half the looks of an image to be acquired in horizontal polarisation and the other half in vertical polarisation and processed to 30-m resolution (with the exception of IS1). Absolute calibration parameters are available depending on external calibration activities and are provided in the product annotations. Spatial Resolution: 30 m ground range x 30 m azimuth.

  • Envisat ASAR WS Medium Resolution L1 [ASA_WSM_1P]

    The strip-line product has been generated from Level 0 data collected when the instrument was in Wide Swath Mode. The product includes slant range to ground range corrections and covers a continuous area along the imaging swath. It is intended to perform application oriented analysis on large scale phenomena over a wide region and for multi-temporal imaging. This is the standard product for ASAR Wide Swath Mode. The ASAR WS L0 full mission data archive has been bulk processed to Level 1 (ASA_WSM_1P) in Envisat format with the IPF-ASAR processor Version 6.03. Spatial Resolution: 150 m slant range x 150 m azimuth.


    ESA's SPectra bARrax Campaign (SPARC) activity was part of the preparatory study for a proposed ESA Earth Explorer mission called SPECTRA. The objective was to collect a CHRIS/PROBA reference dataset for SPECTRA-related studies.


    The BACCHUS-DOC Radar and Optical Campaign was an area mapping project of vineyards near Frascati (Italy). ESA required high resolution geo-referenced airborne SAR data of different wavelength and polarisation (preferably polarimetric).