earth online



Discover and download the Earth observation data you need from the broad catalogue of missions the European Space Agency operate and support.
  • AgriSAR 2009

    The AgriSAR 2009 campaign was defined to leverage the RADARSAT-2 mission to better understand and demonstrate the potential for GMES land monitoring user services, particularly in agriculture.

  • AGRISAR 2006

    The AGRISAR 2006 campaign, carried out between 18 April and 2 August 2006, was established to address important specific programmatic needs of Sentinel-1 and -2.

  • WaddenSAR

    The “WaddenSAR – Airborne bistatic C-band SAR experiment to demonstrate different acquisition geometries” was initiated to support the development of the Earth Explorer 10 Harmony mission.

  • IceSAR 2007

    The objectives of IceSAR 2007 campaign was to acquire SAR images and complementary data over sea and land ice for preparation of Sentinel-1 mission and for providing a basis for the assessment of potential applications of Biomass mission.