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Learn about the ground-based, ship-borne, balloon-borne, and airborne campaigns and small satellite field experiments that validate orbiting ESA EO satellites and support future mission development.


    This campaign was designed to extend the Chilbolton ground measurement record that involved analysis of radar observations made by the 94 GHZ radar from the ground at Chilbolton to quantify the accuracy expected for the algorithms for deriving, winds, clouds and precipitation properties for the proposed WIVERN satellite.

  • WISE

    2000 - 2001

    The objective of WInd and Salinity Experiment 2001 (WISE 2001) campaign was to get more data points and better wind speed measurements.

  • WindVal III


    The objectives the WindVal III campaign were derived from results, experience and lessons learnt of the last airborne campaigns in 2009, 2015 and 2016.

  • WindVal II


    The objectives for the WindVal II campaign in 2016 were derived from the results, experience and lessons learnt from these last airborne campaigns in 2009 and 2015.

  • WindVal I


    The objectives of the WindVal 1 campaign in 2015 were derived from results, experience and lessons learnt from the previous airborne campaign in 2009.


    2002 - 2005

    The objective of the airborne campaign Water Vapour Lidar Experiment (WALEX) is to collect valuable data to provide representative lidar measurements of water vapour and aerosol properties in different climatic zones.

  • WaddenSAR


    The “WaddenSAR – Airborne bistatic C-band SAR experiment to demonstrate different acquisition geometries” was initiated to support the development of the Earth Explorer 10 Harmony mission.

  • TropiScat

    2011 - 2012

    The major objectives of the experiment were the temporal survey of the variation of the measurements in time scales ranging from diurnal, weekly, monthly, up to 12 months of observation.

  • TropiSAR 2009


    The TropiSAR campaign objectives were the evaluation of P-Band radar imaging over tropical forests for biomass and forest height estimation.

  • TomoSense

    2019 - 2021

    The TomoSense experiment was conceived to provide the scientific community with unprecedented data to study the features of radar scattering from temperate forests, comprising tomographic and fully polarimetric SAR surveys at P-, L-, and C-band, acquired in mono- and bi-static mode by simultaneously flying two aircraft.



    The THERMOPOLIS 2009 campaign mainly served the DUE “Urban Heat islands (UHI) and Urban Thermography (UT) Project”

  • TerraSARSIM


    The objectives of the TerraSAR SIM project were to quantify the impact of the time intervals between SAR acquisitions at different wavelengths on agricultural applications.


    2003 - 2004

    ESA's SPectra bARrax Campaign (SPARC) activity was part of the preparatory study for a proposed ESA Earth Explorer mission called SPECTRA. The objective was to collect a CHRIS/PROBA reference dataset for SPECTRA-related studies.

  • SoyFLEX II 2016


    The SoyFLEX II experiment was a repetition of an experiment that took place during the 2015 campaign in Germany.

  • SoyFLEX 2015


    SoyFLEX 2015 took place over the agricultural area around Jülich, Germany and Rzecin wetland site, Poland

  • SnowSum

    1995 - 2021

    The SnowSum experiment is designed to support the development of future concepts to monitor the cryosphere.

  • SnowSAR Proof Of Concept


    The main objective of the SnowSAR campaign was the provision of radiometric calibrated airborne SAR data needed to characterise the backscattering signatures of snow and other terrain types (e.g. trees).


    2011 - 2013

    As a candidate of the Earth Explorer Programme, the European Space Agency proposed the (CoReH2O) mission, consisting of a satellite mission for the monitoring of snow, glaciers and surface water, based on a dual frequency SAR sensor.

  • SnowLab-NG

    2019 - 2021

    The overall objective of the SnowLab-NG activity was to provide a comprehensive multi-frequency, multi-polarisation, multi-temporal dataset and active and passive microwave measurements over snow-covered grounds.

  • SnowLab

    2015 - 2019

    The aim of the SnowLab campaign was to provide a comprehensive multi-frequency, multi-polarisation, multi-temporal dataset of active and passive microwave measurements over snow-covered grounds to investigate the relationship between effective snow and ground parameters and the resultant signals detected by microwave radars and radiometers.