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  • Aeolus

    This is currently the only technology that can provide direct wind profile observations in clear air, inside thin clouds

  • TanSat

    60°, 120°, at 670 nm and 1640 nm The TanSat mission also performs a regular calibration, in four different modes: dark current

  • ERS-2 GOME Spectral Product L1

    user to obtain spectrally and radiometrically calibrated radiances (including the correction for polarisation, leakage current

  • GHGSat archive and tasking

    GHGSat data produce measures of vertical column densities of greenhouse gas emissions ((currently CH4, but eventually CO2


    Aeolus Quality Control Reports on L1B/Instrument, L2A and L2B products are currently available to Aeolus Cal/Val teams and

  • Aeolus Data

    Aeolus Quality Control Reports on L1B/Instrument, L2A and L2B products are currently available to Aeolus Cal/Val teams and

  • EO Summer School 4

    Keynote lectures on global change issues are also given to discuss the current state of the science of global change and

  • EO Summer School 1

    Keynote lectures on global change issues are also given to discuss the current state of the science of global change and

  • EO Summer School 3

    In line with observations it shows anti-cyclonically rotating surface currents and cyclonically rotating bottom currents.

  • EO Summer School 5

    Keynote lectures on global change issues are also given to discuss the current state of the science of global change and

  • MIPAS Quality Control Reports

    Maps are currently available only for a limited part of the mission.

  • ALADIN Reports

    quality reports about the public L2B Wind product: Monthly L2B reports Reports for the Aeolus L2A Aerosol/Cloud products are currently

  • Swarm Ionospheric Polar Electrodynamics

    Joule dissipation as well as what processes are responsible for modifying the ionosphere's ability to carry electrical currents

  • Products Availability L0

    Last update on 29 March 2017 - Issue 1.3 Year Total orbits Products available Percentage of availability Products currently

  • Space data help to unravel the complexities of Earth’s atmosphere

    mission delivered unprecedented insight into the global distributions of methane and carbon dioxide, helping to underpin current

  • Earth Online Newsletter - 28 June 2024

    This issue of the Earth Online Newsletter covers a selection of the latest news and events from ESA.

  • VERA

    magnetometers and its dedicated constellation for geospace research enable monitoring of inter-hemispheric field-aligned currents

  • EO Summer School 8

    Keynote lectures on global change issues are also given to discuss the current state of the science of global change and

  • Atmosphere-studying Odin mission enjoys ongoing success

    Another research project – which is currently being completed – focuses on the eruption of the Hunga Tonga submarine volcano

  • Swarm Ion Temperature Estimation

    Ion temperature measurements, however, are not currently available.