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  • GEOSAT-1 sample data

    Download free GEOSAT-1 sample datasets to preview products available for this mission.

  • GEOSAT-2 Sample Data

    Download free GEOSAT-2 sample datasets to preview products available for this mission.

  • GEOSAT-1 and 2 ESA archive

    GEOSAT-1 and 2 dataset is composed of products acquired by the GEOSAT-1 and GEOSAT-2 Spanish satellites. The dataset regularly grows as ESA collects new products. GEOSAT-1 standard products offered are: SL6_22P: SLIM6, 22m spatial resolution, from bank P SL6_22S: SLIM6, 22m spatial resolution, from bank S SL6_22T: SLIM6, 22m spatial resolution, 2 banks merged together. GEOSAT-1 products are available in two different processing levels: Level 1R: All 3 Spectral channels combined into a band-registered image using L0R data. Geopositioned product based on rigorous sensor model. Coefficients derived from internal and external satellite orientation parameters coming from telemetry and appended to metadata. Level 1T: Data orthorectified to sub-pixel accuracy (10 metres RMS error approximately) with respect to Landsat ETM+ reference data and hole-filled seamless SRTM DEM data V3, 2006 (90 m). The use of the GCPs, it is not automatic, as it is done manually, which gives greater precision. (GCPs by human operators). GEOSAT-2 standard products offered are: Pan-sharpened (HRA_PSH four-band image, HRA_PS3 321 Natural Colours, HRA_PS4 432 False Colours): a four-band image, resulting from adding the information of each multispectral band to the panchromatic band. The fusion does not preserve all spectral features of the multispectral bands, so it should not be used for radiometric purposes. Panchromatic (HRA_PAN): a single-band image acquired by the panchromatic sensor. Multispectral (HRA_MS4): a four-band image acquired by the multispectral sensor, with band co-registration. Bundle (HRA_PM4): a five-band image contains the panchromatic and multispectral products packaged together, with band co-registration. Stereo Pair (HRA_STP): The image products obtained from two acquisitions of the same target performed from different viewpoints in the same pass by using the agility feature of the platform. It can be provided as a pair of pan sharpened or panchromatic images. GEOSAT-2 products are available in two different processing levels: Level 1B: A calibrated and radiometrically corrected product, but not resampled. The product includes the Rational Polynomial Coefficients (RPC), the metadata with gain and bias values for each band, needed to convert the digital numbers into radiances at pixel level, and information about geographic projection (EPGS), corners geolocation, etc. Level 1C: A calibrated and radiometrically corrected product, manually orthorectified and resampled to a map grid. The geometric information is contained in the GeoTIFF tags. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • GEOSAT-1 full archive and tasking

    GEOSAT-1 full archive and new tasking products are available at 22 m resolution in two processing levels. L1R (Basic Geopositioned): All 3 spectral channels combined into a band-registered image. Geopositioned product based on sensor model. Coefficients derived from satellite orientation parameters coming from telemetry and appended to metadata L1T (L1R orthorectified): Orthorectified to sub-pixel accuracy (10 metres RMS error approximately) with respect to Landsat ETM+ reference data and hole-filled seamless SRTM DEM data V3, 2006 (90 m). GEOSAT-1 products are provided in DIMAP format. The image products are delivered in the TIFF and GeoTIFF image formats by default. All products can be provided in False Colours (R,G,NIR) or Natural Colours (R, G, Synthetic Blue).

  • TropForest - ALOS, GEOSAT-1 & KOMPSAT-2 optical coverages over tropical forests

    The objective of the ESA TropForest project was to create a harmonised geo-database of ready-to-use satellite imagery to support 2010 global forest assessment performed by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission and by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Assessments for year 2010 were essential for building realistic deforestation benchmark rates at global to regional levels. To reach this objective, the project aimed to create a harmonised ortho-rectified/pre-processed imagery geo-database based on satellite data acquisitions (ALOS AVNIR-2, GEOSAT-1 SLIM6, KOMPSAT-2 MSC) performed during year 2009 and 2010, for the Tropical Latin America (excluding Mexico) and for the Tropical South and Southeast Asia (excluding China), resulting in 1971 sites located at 1° x 1° geographical lat/long intersections. The project finally delivered 1866 sites (94.7% of target) due to cloud coverages too high for missing sites. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

  • GRACE-A and GRACE-B Level 1B, Level 1B combined and Level 2 Data Products

    Level-1A Data Products are the result of a non-destructive processing applied to the Level-0 data at NASA/JPL. The sensor calibration factors are applied in order to convert the binary encoded measurements to engineering units. Where necessary, time tag integer second ambiguity is resolved and data are time tagged to the respective satellite receiver clock time. Editing and quality control flags are added, and the data is reformatted for further processing. The Level-1A data are reversible to Level-0, except for the bad data packets. This level also includes the ancillary data products needed for processing to the next data level. The Level-1B Data Products are the result of a possibly destructive, or irreversible, processing applied to both the Level-1A and Level-0 data at NASA/JPL. The data are correctly time-tagged, and data sample rate is reduced from the higher rates of the previous levels. Collectively, the processing from Level-0 to Level-1B is called the Level-1 Processing. This level also includes the ancillary data products generated during this processing, and the additional data needed for further processing. The Level-2 data products include the static and time-variable (monthly) gravity field and related data products derived from the application of Level-2 processing at GFZ, UTCSR and JPL to the previous level data products. This level also includes the ancillary data products such as GFZ's Level-1B short-term atmosphere and ocean de-aliasing product (AOD1B) generated during this processing. GRACE-A and GRACE-B Level-1B Data Product: Satellite clock solution [GA-OG-1B-CLKDAT, GB-OG-1B-CLKDAT, GRACE CLKDAT]: Offset of the satellite receiver clock relative to GPS time, obtained by linear fit to raw on-board clock offset estimates GPS flight data [GA-OG-1B-GPSDAT, GB-OG-1B-GPSDAT, GRACE GPSDAT]: Preprocessed and calibrated GPS code and phase tracking data edited and decimated from instrument high-rate (10 s (code) or 1 s (phase)) to low-rate (10 s) samples for science use (1 file per day, level-1 format) Accelerometer Housekeeping data [GA-OG-1B-ACCHKP, GB-OG-1B-ACCHKP, GRACE ACCHKP]: Accelerometer proof-mass bias voltages, capacitive sensor outputs, instrument control unit (ICU) and sensor unit (SU) temperatures, reference voltages, primary and secondary power supply voltages (1 file per day, level-1 format) Accelerometer data [GA-OG-1B-ACCDAT, GB-OG-1B-ACCDAT, GRACE ACCDAT]: Preprocessed and calibrated Level-1B accelerometer data edited and decimated from instrument high-rate (0.1 s) to low-rate (1s) samples for science use (1 file per day, level-1 format) Intermediate clock solution [GA-OG-1B-INTCLK, GB-OG-1B-INTCLK, GRACE INTCLK]: derived with GIPSY POD software (300 s sample rate) (1 file per day, GIPSY format) Instrument processing unit (IPU) Housekeeping data [GA-OG-1B-IPUHKP, GB-OG-1B-IPUHKP, GRACE IPUHKP]: edited and decimated from high-rate (TBD s) to low-rate (TBD s) samples for science use (1 file per day, level-1 format) Spacecraft Mass Housekeeping data [GA-OG-1B-MASDAT, GB-OG-1B-MASDAT, GRACE MASDAT]: Level 1B Data as a function of time GPS navigation solution data [GA-OG-1B-NAVSOL, GB-OG-1B-NAVSOL, GRACE NAVSOL]: edited and decimated from instrument high-rate (60 s) to low-rate (30 s) samples for science use (1 file per day, level-1 format) OBDH time mapping to GPS time Housekeeping data [GA-OG-1B-OBDHTM, GB-OG-1B-OBDHTM, GRACE OBDHTM]: On-board data handling (OBDH) time mapping data (OBDH time to receiver time Star camera data [GA-OG-1B-SCAATT, GB-OG-1B-SCAATT, GRACE SCAATT]: Preprocessed and calibrated star camera quaternion data edited and decimated from instrument high-rate (1 s) to low-rate (5 s) samples for science use (1 file per day, level-1 format) Thruster activation Housekeeping data [GA-OG-1B-THRDAT, GB-OG-1B-THRDAT, GRACE THRDAT]: GN2 thruster data used for attitude (10 mN) and orbit (40 mN) control GN2 tank temperature and pressure Housekeeping data [GA-OG-1B-TNKDAT, GB-OG-1B-TNKDAT, GRACE TNKDAT]: GN2 tank temperature and pressure data Oscillator frequency data [GA-OG-1B-USODAT, GB-OG-1B-USODAT, GRACE USODAT]: derived from POD product GRACE-A and GRACE-B Combined Level-1B Data Product Preprocessed and calibrated k-band ranging data [GA-OG-1B-KBRDAT, GB-OG-1B-KBRDAT, GRACE KBRDAT]: range, range-rate and range-acceleration data edited and decimated from instrument high-rate (0.1 s) to low-rate (5 s) samples for science use (1 file per day, level-1 format) Atmosphere and Ocean De-aliasing Product [GA-OG-1B-ATMOCN, GB-OG-1B-ATMOCN, GRACE ATMOCN]: GRACE Atmosphere and Ocean De-aliasing Product. GRACE Level-2 Data Product: GAC [GA-OG-_2-GAC, GB-OG-_2-GAC, GRACE GAC]: Combination of non-tidal atmosphere and ocean spherical harmonic coefficients provided as average over certain time span (same as corresponding GSM product) based on level-1 AOD1B product (1file per time span, level-2 format) GCM [GA-OG-_2-GCM, GB-OG-_2-GCM, GRACE GCM]: Spherical harmonic coefficients and standard deviations of the long-term static gravity field estimated by combination of GRACE satellite instrument data and other information for a dedicated time span (multiple years) and spatial resolution (1 file per time span, level-2 format) GAB [GA-OG-_2-GAB, GB-OG-_2-GAB, GRACE GAB]: Non-tidal ocean spherical harmonic coefficients provided as average over certain time span (same as corresponding GSM product) based on level-1 AOD1B product (1file per time span, level-2 format) GAD [GA-OG-_2-GAD, GB-OG-_2-GAD, GRACE GAD]: bottom pressure product - combination of surface pressure and ocean (over the oceans, and zero over land). Spherical harmonic coefficients provided as average over certain time span (same as corresponding GSM product) based on level-1 AOD1B product (1file per time span, level-2 format) GSM [GA-OG-_2-GSM, GB-OG-_2-GSM, GRACE GSM]: Spherical harmonic coefficients and standard deviations of the static gravity field estimated from GRACE satellite instrument data only for a dedicated time span (e.g. weekly, monthly, multiple years) and spatial resolution (1 file per time span, level-2 format).