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New Products and Services


Swarm DISC Activity New Products and Services

One of the goals of Swarm DISC is to bring together and coordinate an expanding consortium of scientific partners engaged in the exploitation of Swarm data. As new projects are added to the Swarm DISC portfolio, additional institutions will become active parties in this collaborative effort.

Swarm DISC regularly issues "open calls for ideas" to identify opportunities for the development of innovative products and services. New activities are initiated based on recommendations from the scientific community. Submitted ideas are evaluated by the Swarm DISC Advisory Board (DAB), a board composed of scientists from the DISC consortium. The composition of the DAB is intended to follow the activity portfolio, ensuring that it continuously consists of representatives from each of the scientific partners, including collaborating parties such as NASA and NOAA.

Ideas recommended by the DAB may after approval by ESA lead to publication of open Invitations to Tender (ITT). The project proposals received for each ITT are evaluated by a Tender Evaluation Board composed specifically for each ITT with impartial experts from around the world. The duration of Swarm DISC "new products and services" contracts may vary from 0.5 – two Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) work effort depending on scientific value, complexity and maturity.

Find out about previous and ongoing projects.

Please visit the Swarm DISC ITT page and sign up for the Swarm DISC notification newsletter, if you wish to be notified of future calls or ITTs. The new calls will also be published on the announcements page.
