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Public Outreach


Public Outreach

Public Outreach activities is a task that involves all Swarm DISC partners, coordinated by the Swarm DISC project office and supervised by the Swarm DISC EXE. In particular, public outreach activities are an integrated part of all "new Swarm DISC activities" (and is stated in the ITT of these projects).

The public outreach activities include:

  • Preparing "Web stories" on e.g. ESA portal, and press-releases on new significant or particularly interesting (for the general public) scientific results obtained with Swarm data;
  • Preparing "outreach articles" about the Swarm mission in popular scientific magazines and newspapers and generic science magazines;
  • Preparing "Press material" – e.g. input to press-releases;
  • Preparing graphical material, animations and movies in support of the Swarm mission. This may include animations presenting not only new Swarm observations but also their geophysical interpretation, thereby extending the topic of most animations that hitherto have been prepared on Swarm mission results.