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  • UTC-SBT time correlation study

    UTC-SBT time correlation study

  • Two Years of ERS-1 Data Exploitation

    This bulletin reports on the first two years of the ERS-1 satellite.

  • Transforming space data into climate action

    ESA’s Earth observation activities are playing a key role in the revitalised global drive to combat climate change.

  • The-Calibration-of-the-ERS-1-Radar-Altimeter.pdf

    This report describes the calibration of ERS-1's Radar Altimeter during the commissioning phase, which used Venice as a basis for calibration.

  • Technical-Note-on-Data-Flows-and-Volumes-between-ISS-and-Other-Entities-of-the-ERS-1-Ground-Segment.pdf

    This document lists all the messages exchanged between the Interface Subset (ISS) and the other entities of the ERS-1 Ground Segment.

  • Taking-the-Measure-of-Earth-Fifteen-Years-of-Progress-in-Radar-Altimetry.pdf

    This article is extracted from ESA Bulletin Nr. 128.

  • Swarm

    Swarm is dedicated to creating a highly detailed survey of Earth’s geomagnetic field and its temporal evolution as well as the electric field in the atmosphere using a constellation of three identical satellites.

  • Showcasing Fundamental Data Records for Altimetry

    ESA has developed a comprehensive suite of Earth system data records as part of the Fundamental Data Records for Altimetry (FDR4ALT) project.

  • Sea Ice Thematic Data Product [ALT_TDP_SI]

    This is the Sea Ice Thematic Data Product (TDP) V1 resulting from the ESA FDR4ALT project and containing the sea ice related geophysical parameters, along with associated uncertainties: snow depth, radar and sea-ice freeboard, sea ice thickness and concentration. The collection covers data for the ERS-1, ERS-2 and Envisat missions, and bases on Level 1 data coming from previous reprocessing (ERS REAPER and the Envisat V3.0) but taking into account the improvements made at Level 0/Level 1 in the frame of FDR4ALT (ALT FDR). The Sea Ice TDP provides data from the northern or southern hemisphere in two files corresponding to the Arctic and Antarctic regions respectively for the winter periods only, i.e., October to June for the Arctic, and May to November for the Antarctic. For many aspects, the Sea Ice TDP is very innovative: First time series of sea-ice thickness estimates for ERS Homogeneous calibration, allowing the first Arctic radar freeboard time series from ERS-1 (1991) to CryoSat-2 (2021) Uncertainties estimated along-track with a bottom-up approach based on dominant sources ERS pulse blurring error corrected using literature procedure [Peacock, 2004] The FDR4ALT products are available in NetCDF format. Free standard tools for reading NetCDF data can be used. Information for expert altimetry users is also available in a dedicated NetCDF group within the products. Please consult the FDR4ALT Product User Guide before using the data. The FDR4ALT datasets represent the new reference data for the ERS/Envisat altimetry missions, superseding any previous mission data. Users are strongly encouraged to make use of these datasets for optimal results.

  • SCIRoCCo

    The SCIRoCCo project is an interdisciplinary cooperation of scatterometry experts aimed at promoting the continuing exploitation of ESA's unique 20 years' worth of ERS Scatterometer data.


    The REAPER (REprocessing of Altimeter Products for ERS) project covers both the ERS-1 and the ERS-2 altimetry missions. The project aims to support and maintain data quality.

  • Ocean-Colour-Working-Group.pdf

    This report summarises an updated state of the art in ocean colour physics, monitoring and use, and provides a first document to comply with the Remote Sensing Programme Board, which was created to investigate the possibility of an ocean colour monitoring instrument for ERS-2.

  • Ocean Waves Thematic Data Product [ALT_TDP_WA]

    This is the Ocean Waves Thematic Data Product (TDP) V1 resulting from the ESA FDR4ALT project and containing Significant Wave Height estimates for the ERS-1, ERS-2 and Envisat missions. Compared to existing datasets, the Ocean Waves TDP demonstrates notable improvements in several aspects: Great improvements for Envisat due to noise reduction from Adaptive retracker and High-Frequency Adjustment (HFA) All variables are given at 5 Hz The FDR4ALT products are available in NetCDF format. Free standard tools for reading NetCDF data can be used. Information for expert altimetry users is also available in a dedicated NetCDF group within the products. Please consult the FDR4ALT Product User Guide before using the data. The FDR4ALT datasets represent the new reference data for the ERS/Envisat altimetry missions, superseding any previous mission data. Users are strongly encouraged to make use of these datasets for optimal results.

  • Ocean and Coastal Topography Thematic Data Product [ALT_TDP_OC]

    This is the Ocean and Coastal Topography Thematic Data Product (TDP) V1 resulting from the ESA FDR4ALT project and containing improved sea surface height anomaly data records both at 1 Hz and 20 Hz resolution to address climate and/or coastal areas studies. The collection covers data for the ERS-1, ERS-2 and Envisat missions. Note that a dedicated processing to coastal zones has been applied for coastal distances below 200 km. Compared to existing datasets, the Ocean and Coastal Topography TDP demonstrates notable improvements in several aspects: Up-to-date orbit and geophysical corrections applied Adaptive retracker for Envisat The FDR4ALT products are available in NetCDF format. Free standard tools for reading NetCDF data can be used. Information for expert altimetry users is also available in a dedicated NetCDF group within the products. Please consult the FDR4ALT Product User Guide before using the data. The FDR4ALT datasets represent the new reference data for the ERS/Envisat altimetry missions, superseding any previous mission data. Users are strongly encouraged to make use of these datasets for optimal results.

  • New-Views-of-the-Earth-Applications-Achievements-of-ERS-1.pdf

    This document describes the Applications Achievements of ERS-1 and includes colour illustrations and images.

  • New-views-of-Earth-Scientific-achievements-of-ERS-1.pdf

    This document concentrates on the scientific achievements of the ERS-1 satellite. Its purpose is to present examples of high quality scientific work which clearly demonstrate that ERS-1 data are being used extensively within the international science community.

  • New reprocessing of datasets celebrates 30 years of ERS

    The ERS programme celebrated its 30th anniversary on 17 July. Today, we are still exploiting ERS data and experts continue to work on improving the altimeter, radiometer and SAR data the programme acquired.