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  • GOCE-ESAs-Gravity-Mission-flyer.pdf

    This flyer gives quick information on the ESA Gravity Field andsteady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) mission.

  • GOCE-ESAs-Gravity-Mission.pdf

    This brochure describes the science behind the GOCE mission and how the satellite works.

  • GOCE-ESAs-first-Earth-Explorer-Core-Mission.pdf

    This paper introduces the first ESA Core Earth Explorer mission,GOCE, in the context of ESA's Living Planet programme.

  • GOCE-Ground-Segment-Concept-and-Architecture.pdf

    This document describes the GOCE Ground Segment covering missionobjectives and overview, ground segment assumptions andconstraints, ground segment architecture and functions, missionplanning, data processing, scientific data distribution,calibration and maintenance, time correlation, orbit and attitudecontrol, data circulation, ground segment validation, testing,operations and implementation.

  • GOCE-Obtaining-a-Portrait-of-Earths-Most-Intimate-Features.pdf

    This is an article extracted from the ESA Bulletin Nr. 133.

  • GOCE-One-of-ESAs-Most-Challenging-Missions-Yet-A-Foreword.pdf

    This article is extracted from ESA Bulletin Nr. 133.

  • GOCE-Preparation-of-the-GOCE-Level-1-to-Level-2-Data-Processing-Executive-Summary.pdf

    The objective of this document is the design of the overall architecture of the GOCE level 1 to 2 data processing system with special emphasis on the detailed identification and definition of all interfaces. Furthermore, the work covers also the detailed definition of the Level 2 products which are adequate to meet the requirements for further added value products (i.e. Level 3 and beyond).

  • GOCE-Preparation-of-the-GOCE-Level-1-to-Level-2-Data-Processing-Final-Report.pdf

    The objective of the work in this contract is the design of theoverall architecture of the GOCE level 1 to 2 data processing system with special emphasis on the detailed identification and definition of all interfaces. Furthermore, the work will also coverthe detailed definition of the Level 2 products which are adequate to meet the requirements for further added value products (i.e.Level 3 and beyond).

  • GOCEs-Measurements-of-the-Gravity-Field-and-Beyond.pdf

    This is an article extracted from the ESA Bulletin Nr. 133.

  • GUT-Tutorial.pdf

    The objective of the GUT tutorial, together with the GUT Algorithm Description and User Guide (RD3), is to assist you in getting acquainted with the GOCE User Toolbox, whose objective is to help you take major benefit from the GOCE data for your own application.

  • GUT-User-Guide-and-Algorithm-Descriptions.pdf

    This document describes the installation and usage of the GOCE User Toolbox (GUT). It also documents the fundamental data types, file formats, high-level algorithms and independent processing units implemented in the GUT Software.

  • The Nine Candidate Earth Explorer Missions - Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Mission

    This report for assessment addresses the Earth Explorer Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation (GOCE) mission at the time when it was selected with other 9 Earth Explorer missions as potential candidate for Phase A study.

  • An-investigation-of-the-error-characteristics-of-the-GOCE-geoid-models.pdf

    This report presents an initial investigation into the error characteristics of the GOCE gravity field models as they are realised in the calculated geoid anomalies.

  • An-assessment-of-ERS-SAR-Low-Resolution-Imagery.pdf

    The objective of this technical note is to describe and to analyse the various concepts associated with the ERS SAR low resolution imagery. This study is done in order to evaluate a range of products, to consider the trade-offs involved in product specification and to propose some recommendations fro low resolution imagery of quality suitable for a broad range of potential applications.

  • Earth-Explorers.pdf

    This flyer gives a quick overview of the 6 Earth Explorers missions.

  • ESAs-Schwerkraft-Mission-GOCE.pdf

    This brochure, in German language, gives an introduction to the Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Mission GOCE, an Earth Explorer Core mission due for launch in 2006. GOCE is intended to provide the unique data set required to formulate global and regional models of the Earth's gravity field and the geoid (its reference equipotential surface) to high spatial resolution and accuracy.

  • 3rd ERS Symposium

    The ESA Directorate for Observation of the Earth and its Environment held the 3rd ERS Symposium, in 1997, where many of the results from the ERS-1 and ERS-2 missions were presented and discussed by the scientific community.

  • Fringe 2007 Workshop

    Fringe 2007 was the third International Workshop on Envisat ASAR interferometry and fifth International Workshop on ERS SAR Interferometry.

  • ESA's Earth Explorers surpassing expectations

    In this video, learn how each Earth Explorer mission is contributing to Earth science, and changing the way we look at our beloved planet.

  • AfriScat

    AfriScat campaign, a follow on to TropiSCAT campaign, was to acquire long-term P-Band radar data in an African tropical forest.