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  • VERA

    VERtical coupling in Earth's Atmosphere at mid and high latitudes (VERA) is a project in response to the ESA ITT "Swarm+ Coupling: High-Low Atmosphere Interactions" with the duration of 16 months.

  • Swarm Outflow

    The Swarm+ Coupling High-Low Atmosphere Interactions: Ion Outflow ("Swarm+ Outflow") project, which began in May 2019, centres on using Swarm spacecraft to tackle unanswered questions around non-thermal processes that lead to ion outflow.

  • Swarm Ionospheric Polar Electrodynamics

    The goal of the Swarm ionospheric polar electrodynamics (SWIPE) project is to create and disseminate the most advanced models of high-latitude Joule dissipation, ionospheric convection, and ionospheric conductances.

  • Swarm Ion Temperature Estimation

    The main objective of Swarm Ion Temperature Estimation (SITE) project is to estimate ion temperatures along the orbits of Swarm satellites using available LP electron density and temperature measurements, and numerical models.

  • Space data help to unravel the complexities of Earth’s atmosphere

    As the impacts of the climate crisis intensify, scientists are using ESA’s Earth observation archives to investigate atmospheric processes and their influences on the planet’s changing environment.

  • Plasmapause Related boundaries in the topside Ionosphere as derived from Swarm Measurements

    In the project, Plasmapause Related boundaries in the topside Ionosphere as determined from Swarm Measurements (PRISM), the team develop products that characterise position of the plasmapause related phenomena in the topside ionosphere.

  • Odin OSIRIS data products

    The Odin OSIRIS (Optical Spectrograph and Infra-Red Imaging System) data provides vertical profiles measures of spectrally dispersed, limb scattered sunlight from the upper troposphere into the lower mesosphere. The data products are regularly processed and provide Ozone density vertical profiles (both Level 2 and Level 3), vertical profiles of stratospheric Aerosol (both Level 2 and Level 3), slant column densities of nitrogen dioxide NO2 profiles (Level 2), stratospheric BrO profiles (Level 2).

  • New campaign dataset supports validation of upcoming FORUM mission

    A new dataset has been released for the FINESSE at Andøya campaign, which took place in Norway in 2023.

  • Life beyond re-entry: new Aeolus data a breath of fresh air

    Aeolus data are still improving our understanding of weather and atmospheric science. In Spring 2024, the Aeolus data, science and innovation cluster (DISC) released a new public data update (Baseline 16), with a range of exciting new features.

  • Launch of Aeolus VRE

    The Aeolus Virtual Research Environment (VRE) is a cloud service, which provides users with a web-based development environment in the form of a JupyterLab workspace.

  • How Envisat helped to shape global understanding of Earth’s systems

    Twenty years have passed since a ground-breaking European spacecraft designed to deliver unprecedented insight into the planet’s changing environment was lofted into orbit.

  • GOME Total Column Water Vapour Climate product

    The GOME Total Column Water Vapour (TCWV) Climate product was generated by the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (MPIC), and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) within the ESA GOME-Evolution project. It is a Level 3 type product containing homogenized time-series of the global distribution of TCWV spanning over more than two decades (1995-2015). The data is provided as single netCDF file, containing monthly mean TCWV (units kg/m2) with 1-degree resolution, and is based on measurements from the satellite instruments ERS-2 GOME, Envisat SCIAMACHY, and MetOp-A GOME-2. Details are available in the paper by Beirle et al, 2018. Please also consult the GOME TCWV Product Quality Readme file before using the data.

  • FINESSE at Andøya 2023

    The Andøya campaign was undertaken in support of the Earth Explorer 9 Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring (FORUM) mission.

  • FINESSE at Andøya 2023

    The Andøya campaign was undertaken in support of the Earth Explorer 9 Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring (FORUM) mission.

  • Exploring the prevailing achievements and future directions of Aeolus

    A tight-knit community of European remote sensing experts converged on the Italian island of Sicily last month to discuss how the strong success of ESA’s Aeolus mission is shaping scientists’ understanding of the winds that sweep across the planet.

  • ESA's multi-level global thermosphere data products consistent with Swarm and GRACE (-FO)

    In this project, the possibility of using the space-based along-track Thermospheric Neutral Density (TND) estimates for generating the European Space Agency (ESA)'s Level 3 (L3) global multi-level TND data products is assessed.

  • ERS-2 GOME Total Column Amount of Trace Gases Product

    GOME Level 2 products were generated by DLR on behalf of the European Space Agency, and are the end result of the Level 1 to 2 reprocessing campaign of GOME Level 1 version 4 data with Level 2 GOME Data Processor (GDP) version 5.0 (HDF-5 format). The GOME Level 2 data product comprises the product header, total column densities of ozone and nitrogen dioxide and their associated errors, cloud properties and selected geo-location information, diagnostics from the Level 1 to 2 algorithms and a small amount of statistical information.

  • ERS-2 GOME Spectral Product L1

    GOME Level 1 products contain Earthshine radiance at the Top of the Atmosphere and solar irradiance spectra. They were generated by DLR on behalf of the European Space Agency with Level 1 GOME Data Processor (GDP-L1) starting from the Extracted GOME Calibration (EGOC) Level 0 data files. Originally raw detector signals (binary Analog to Digital Converted units) of the science measurements plus calibration constants were provided (dataset version 4 and lower), but following the end of the operational phase of the ERS-2 mission (2 July 2011), as part of ESA's post-operational algorithm improvement activities (Coldewey-Egbers et al., 2018), the GOME Level 1 data type was entirely revised and a dataset of fully calibrated and ready to use data was generated with GOME processor version 5.1. The version 5.1 data bring relevant quality improvements for the revised calibration approach, compensating aging and instrument degradation, and provide enhanced accessibility. The version 5.1 data are in NetCDF format and differ fundamentally from the previous GOME Level 1 data, having the Envisat proprietary format and basically containing Level 1a data where a dedicated extraction software tool had to be applied by end user to obtain spectrally and radiometrically calibrated radiances (including the correction for polarisation, leakage current and stray light). Such calibrations are now applied to the version 5.1 L1b data product in the standard processing. Users of GOME Level 1 products are strongly recommended to migrate to the latest reprocessed dataset. Please consult the GOME Product Quality Readme file before using the data.

  • ERS ATSR L1B Brightness Temperature/Radiance [ER1_AT_1_RBT / ER2_AT_1_RBT]

    Band measurements with associated uncertainty estimates. The ERS-1/2 ATSR Level 1B Brightness Temperature/Radiance products (RBT) contain top of atmosphere (TOA) brightness temperature (BT) values for the infra-red channels and radiance values for the visible channels, when available, on a 1-km pixel grid. The visible channels are only available for the ATSR-2 instrument. Values for each channel and for the nadir and oblique views occupy separate NetCDF files within the Sentinel-SAFE format, along with associated uncertainty estimates. Additional files contain cloud flags, land and water masks, and confidence flags for each image pixel, as well as instrument and ancillary meteorological information. The ATSR-1 and ATSR-2 products [ER1_AT_1_RBT and ER2_AT_1_RBT], in NetCDF format stemming from the 4th ATSR reprocessing, are precursors of Envisat AATSR and Sentinel-3 SLSTR data. They have replaced the former L1B products [AT1_TOA_1P and AT2_TOA_1P] in Envisat format from the 3rd reprocessing. Users with Envisat-format products are recommended to move to the new Sentinel-SAFE like/NetCDF format products, and consult the ERS ATSR Product Notice Readme document. The processing updates that have been put in place and the expected scientific improvements for the ERS ATSR 4th reprocessing data have been outlined in full in the User Documentation for (A)ATSR 4th Reprocessing Products

  • ERS ATSR fourth Reprocessing datasets available to users

    The fourth Reprocessing of the ATSR L1B datasets derived from the ERS-1 and ERS-2 satellites have now been released to users by the European Space Agency (ESA).