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  • CLOSED - EarthCARE Calibration and Validation Announcement of Opportunity

    ESA offered an announcement of opportunity to support the calibration and validation of EarthCARE products. This opportunity closed in 2017.

  • EarthCARE

    EarthCARE examines the role clouds and aerosols play in trapping infrared radiation emitted from Earth's surface.

  • EarthCARE - ESA's cloud, aerosol and radiation explorer mission

    Learn about ESA’s upcoming cloud, aerosol and radiation explorer mission – EarthCARE – in our latest infographic.

  • EarthCARE ESA L2 Products

    This EarthCARE collection contains the following data products: Level 2a: Single-Instrument Geophysical Products These products are derived from individual instrument data onboard EarthCARE. They provide detailed geophysical parameters and properties specific to each instrument's capabilities for example cloud and aerosol properties derived solely from radar or lidar measurements, offering high-resolution insights into atmospheric phenomena. Level 2b: Synergistic Geophysical Products Level 2b products leverage data from multiple EarthCARE instruments to generate comprehensive, synergistic geophysical datasets. By combining measurements from instruments like radar, lidar, and radiometers, these products offer a more integrated view of cloud-aerosol interactions and atmospheric dynamics. Synergistic products provide enhanced accuracy and depth compared to single-instrument outputs, enabling detailed studies of complex atmospheric processes.

  • EarthCARE ESA L2 Products for Cal/Val Users

    This EarthCARE collection is restrained, and contains the following data products: Level 2a: Single-Instrument Geophysical Products These products are derived from individual instrument data onboard EarthCARE. They provide detailed geophysical parameters and properties specific to each instrument's capabilities for example cloud and aerosol properties derived solely from radar or lidar measurements, offering high-resolution insights into atmospheric phenomena. Level 2b: Synergistic Geophysical Products Synergistic Geophysical Products Level 2b products leverage data from multiple EarthCARE instruments to generate comprehensive, synergistic geophysical datasets. By combining measurements from instruments like radar, lidar, and radiometers, these products offer a more integrated view of cloud-aerosol interactions and atmospheric dynamics. Synergistic products provide enhanced accuracy and depth compared to single-instrument outputs, enabling detailed studies of complex atmospheric processes.

  • EarthCARE ESA L2 Products for the Commissioning Team

    This EarthCARE collection contains the following data products: Level 2a: Single-Instrument Geophysical Products These products are derived from individual instrument data onboard EarthCARE. They provide detailed geophysical parameters and properties specific to each instrument's capabilities for example cloud and aerosol properties derived solely from radar or lidar measurements, offering high-resolution insights into atmospheric phenomena. Level 2b: Synergistic Geophysical Products Level 2b products leverage data from multiple EarthCARE instruments to generate comprehensive, synergistic geophysical datasets. By combining measurements from instruments like radar, lidar, and radiometers, these products offer a more integrated view of cloud-aerosol interactions and atmospheric dynamics. Synergistic products provide enhanced accuracy and depth compared to single-instrument outputs, enabling detailed studies of complex atmospheric processes.

  • EarthCARE JAXA L2 Products

    This EarthCARE collection contains the following data products: Level 2a: Single-Instrument Geophysical Products These products are derived from individual instrument data onboard EarthCARE. They provide detailed geophysical parameters and properties specific to each instrument's capabilities for example cloud and aerosol properties derived solely from radar or lidar measurements, offering high-resolution insights into atmospheric phenomena. Level 2b: Synergistic Geophysical Products Level 2b products leverage data from multiple EarthCARE instruments to generate comprehensive, synergistic geophysical datasets. By combining measurements from instruments like radar, lidar, and radiometers, these products offer a more integrated view of cloud-aerosol interactions and atmospheric dynamics. Synergistic products provide enhanced accuracy and depth compared to single-instrument outputs, enabling detailed studies of complex atmospheric processes.

  • EarthCARE JAXA L2 Products for Cal/Val Users

    This EarthCARE collection is restrained, and contains the following data products: Level 2a: Single-Instrument Geophysical Products These products are derived from individual instrument data onboard EarthCARE. They provide detailed geophysical parameters and properties specific to each instrument's capabilities for example cloud and aerosol properties derived solely from radar or lidar measurements, offering high-resolution insights into atmospheric phenomena. Level 2b: Synergistic Geophysical Products Level 2b products leverage data from multiple EarthCARE instruments to generate comprehensive, synergistic geophysical datasets. By combining measurements from instruments like radar, lidar, and radiometers, these products offer a more integrated view of cloud-aerosol interactions and atmospheric dynamics. Synergistic products provide enhanced accuracy and depth compared to single-instrument outputs, enabling detailed studies of complex atmospheric processes.

  • EarthCARE JAXA L2 Products for the Commissioning Team

    This EarthCARE collection contains the following data products: Level 2a: Single-Instrument Geophysical Products These products are derived from individual instrument data onboard EarthCARE. They provide detailed geophysical parameters and properties specific to each instrument's capabilities for example cloud and aerosol properties derived solely from radar or lidar measurements, offering high-resolution insights into atmospheric phenomena. Level 2b: Synergistic Geophysical Products Level 2b products leverage data from multiple EarthCARE instruments to generate comprehensive, synergistic geophysical datasets. By combining measurements from instruments like radar, lidar, and radiometers, these products offer a more integrated view of cloud-aerosol interactions and atmospheric dynamics. Synergistic products provide enhanced accuracy and depth compared to single-instrument outputs, enabling detailed studies of complex atmospheric processes.

  • EarthCARE L0 and L1 Products for the Commissioning Team

    This EarthCARE collection for the Commissioning Team contains the following data products: Level 0: Annotated Raw Instrument Source Packets These packets contain unprocessed data as generated by EarthCARE's instruments, annotated with basic metadata in front of each packet Level 1b: Fully Calibrated and Geolocated Instrument Measurements Level 1b products are fully processed, calibrated, and geolocated measurements from EarthCARE's instruments. Each measurement is aligned with the native instrument grid. For the Broadband Radiometer (BBR), measurements are also spatially integrated to various ground pixel sizes. Level 1C (MSI only): MSI Level 1b Data Interpolated to a Common Spatial Grid Specifically for the Multi-Spectral Imager (MSI), Level 1c data involves interpolating Level 1b measurements onto a standardised spatial grid that is consistent across all MSI bands. This grid closely matches the spacing used in MSI Level 1b data. Level 1D: Joint Standard Grid (JSG) for all Instruments and ECMWF Meteorological Fields Level 1d data provide a spatial grid to enable easy collocation and synergistic use of the data from all EarthCARE instruments, named the "joint standard grid." Additionally, this level incorporates ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) meteorological fields limited to the EarthCARE swath, enabling comprehensive analysis and modelling of atmospheric conditions within the satellite's coverage area.

  • EarthCARE L1 Products

    This EarthCARE collection contains the following data products: Level 1b: Fully Calibrated and Geolocated Instrument Science Measurements Level 1b data represents the fully processed, calibrated, and geolocated measurements from EarthCARE's instruments. Each measurement is aligned with the native instrument grid. For the Broadband Radiometer (BBR), measurements are also spatially integrated to various ground pixel sizes. Level 1c (MSI only): MSI Level 1b Data Interpolated to a Common Spatial Grid Specifically for the Multi-Spectral Imager (MSI), Level 1c data involves interpolating Level 1b measurements onto a standardised spatial grid that is consistent across all MSI bands. This grid closely matches the spacing used in MSI Level 1b data. Level 1d: Joint Standard Grid (JSG) for all instruments with ECMWF Meteorological Fields. Level 1d data provides a spatial grid to enable easy collocation and synergistic use of the data from all EarthCARE instruments, named the "joint standard grid." Additionally, this level incorporates ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) meteorological fields limited to the EarthCARE swath, enabling comprehensive analysis and modelling of atmospheric conditions within the satellite's coverage area. CPR level 1b: C-NOM products is generated and provided by JAXA. This product is used as input, in combination with the X-MET aux file, for different processors in the EarthCARE production chain. AUX_MET_1D: meteorological analysis and forecast fields X-MET provided by ECMWF. This product is used as input, in combination with the C-NOM product, for different processors in the EarthCARE production chain.

  • EarthCARE L1 Products for Cal/Val Users

    This EarthCARE collection is restrained, and contains the following data products: Level 1B: Fully Calibrated and Geolocated Instrument Science Measurements Level 1b data represents the fully processed, calibrated, and geolocated measurements from EarthCARE's instruments. Each measurement is aligned with the native instrument grid. For the Broadband Radiometer (BBR), measurements are also spatially integrated to various ground pixel sizes. Level 1C (MSI only): MSI Level 1b Data Interpolated to a Common Spatial Grid Specifically for the Multi-Spectral Imager (MSI), Level 1c data involves interpolating Level 1b measurements onto a standardised spatial grid that is consistent across all MSI bands. This grid closely matches the spacing used in MSI Level 1b data. Level 1D: Joint Standard Grid (JSG) for all instruments with ECMWF Meteorological Fields. Level 1d data provides a spatial grid to enable easy collocation and synergistic use of the data from all EarthCARE instruments, named the "joint standard grid." Additionally, this level incorporates ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) meteorological fields limited to the EarthCARE swath, enabling comprehensive analysis and modelling of atmospheric conditions within the satellite's coverage area.

  • EarthCARE-CPR-L1B-ATBD.pdf

    This document describes the theoretical basis of Level 1b algorithm, except for the spacecraft data processing, for the EarthCARE Cloud Profiling Radar (CPR).

  • EarthCARE-CPR-L1B-PDD.pdf

    The purpose of this document is to specify the format and content of the L1 products for the EarthCARE CPR (Cloud Profiling Radar).

  • ESA's Earth Explorers surpassing expectations

    In this video, learn how each Earth Explorer mission is contributing to Earth science, and changing the way we look at our beloved planet.

  • Introducing the EarthCARE Mission Manager

    In this video, Björn Frommknecht describes his role as Mission Manager of EarthCARE, and what he enjoys most about his involvement with this upcoming Earth Explorer.

  • Satellite data central to ocean monitoring

    Over 95% of Earth’s water is found in our oceans, and yet sadly, oceans are under stress from climate change and pollution. Monitoring our oceans is vital for Earth’s survival and satellites are the primary means of long-term and independent observation of our vast ocean bodies and their associated coastal zones.

  • Space data help to unravel the complexities of Earth’s atmosphere

    As the impacts of the climate crisis intensify, scientists are using ESA’s Earth observation archives to investigate atmospheric processes and their influences on the planet’s changing environment.