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  • Envisat DORIS Doppler [DOR_DOP_1P]

    This product was generated by the Centre de Traitement Doris Poseidon (CTDP). The DORIS Doppler product (DOR_DOP_1P) was consolidated offline 2-4 weeks after sensing and stored in the F-PAC archive. The file size is 0.5 Mbytes per orbit.

  • Envisat DORIS Precise Orbit [DOR_VOR_AX]

    The latest version of the Envisat DORIS Precise Orbit product, DOR_VOR_AX, was generated by the Centre de Traitement Doris Poseidon (CTDP) using the Geophysical Data Records F standards (GDR-F). The product is used to obtain the satellite orbital parameters (latitude, longitude, height and height rate) by using orbit computation routines. The most significant changes related to the GDR-F standards concern the new ocean tide model (FES2014) and the updated Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF2014). The new standards significantly improve all Precise Orbit Determination (POD) metrics with respect to GDR-E. The mean difference and variance of Sea Surface Height (SSH) at crossovers is slightly reduced. The DOR_VOR_AX product adopts the Envisat format, and the size is 0.2 Mbytes per orbit. Users are recommended to apply the GDR-F version, but the previous datasets are still available (i.e. GDR-D and GDR-E versions). See further details in the readme file for Envisat DORIS Precise Orbit Determination files. Comparison of Envisat Sea Level Anomaly trends obtained using DORIS Precise Orbit GDR-E and F standards. North/South patterns are evident. Credits: CNES/CLS.

  • ESA's Earth Explorers surpassing expectations

    In this video, learn how each Earth Explorer mission is contributing to Earth science, and changing the way we look at our beloved planet.

  • Announcement of Opportunity for S3VT (Sentinel-3 Validation Team)

    In the framework of a Copernicus collaborative agreement ESA and EUMETSAT invite interested groups and individuals to support the Sentinel-3 Validation Team (S3VT).

  • Heritage Missions app for Android

    Download the Heritage Missions application to discover what the missions were about, how it worked and what the elements of the space and ground segment that make these missions unique.

  • Understanding our Planet - the Earth Observation Envelope Program

    This brochure describes the Earth Observation Envelope Programme.

  • Envisat

    Envisat was ESA's successor to ERS. Envisat carried ten instruments aboard for a wide range of Earth observing fields. The mission was operational from 2002 to 2012.

  • cryosat-magnetic-data-calibration-method.pdf

    Description of CryoSat magnetometer data calibration and data description

  • Earth-Explorers.pdf

    This flyer gives a quick overview of the 6 Earth Explorers missions.