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  • Tracking the world’s forests from space

    As human activities continue to threaten the planet’s forests, data delivered by satellites are boosting global efforts to conserve these crucial natural resources.

  • Showcasing the NovaSAR-1 radar satellite

    Learn about the NovaSAR-1 mission in our new infographic.


    The PROBA-V mission provides multispectral images to study the evolution of the vegetation cover on a daily and global basis.

  • POLinSAR 2007

    The POLinSAR 2007 workshop was open to ESA Principal Investigators and co-investigators, scientists and students working in the field of SAR Polarimetry and Polarimetric Interferometry, and to representatives from national, European and international space agencies and value adding industry.

  • NovaSAR-1

    Launched on 16 September 2018, NovaSAR-1 features an S-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) instrument offering a variety of modes with different resolutions and swath widths.

  • New BorealScat campaign dataset released

    A new dataset has been released for the BorealScat campaign, which took place between 2017 and 2021 in Sweden.

  • ICEYE data available for assessment

    The SAR user community is invited to participate to the call to assess the suitability of the ICEYE constellation, for science and EO-based applications.

  • How scientists are unlocking the potential of SAOCOM

    A team of scientists has drawn on SAOCOM data to measure the heights of forests in Argentina, marking the first time that tree canopies have been mapped using the two-satellite constellation.

  • Forestry TEP

    The Forestry Thematic Exploitation Platform (TEP) enables users in the forestry sector to access satellite data based processing services and tools for generating value-added forest information products.

  • ESA's open source computing project for the Biomass mission goes live

    The Biomass Product Algorithm Laboratory (BioPAL) is an open-source scientific computing project, which supports the development of ESA’s Biomass mission algorithms coded in Python.

  • ESA encourages S-band applications with NovaSAR-1 Announcement of Opportunity

    ESA is offering possibilities to develop new applications in the S-band microwave frequency range, with a new Announcement of Opportunity for NovaSAR-1 data, via ESA’s Third Party Mission programme.

  • Drone-based Laser Scanning of Tropical Forests for Biomass Cal/Val

    ESA’s upcoming mission Biomass will deliver valuable P-band SAR data aimed at forest aboveground biomass (AGB) estimation across the humid tropics.

  • COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation

    COSMO-SkyMed Second Generation is at the forefront of radar technology, will ensure improvements and guarantee continuity with the First Generation CSK satellites, preserving the high quality and the highest precision features, both required for the interferometric activities.

  • BRIX-I: Workshop of First Biomass Retrieval Algorithm Inter-comparison Exercise

    BRIX-I: Workshop of First Biomass Retrieval Algorithm Inter-comparison Exercise

  • BioSAR 2010

    The BioSAR-3 (BioSAR 2010) campaign was specifically planned and implemented to investigate possibilities for a future spaceborne P-band polarimetric and interferometric SAR with a life-time of multiple years.

  • BioSAR 2008

    The main objective of BioSAR-2 (BioSAR 2008) campaign was to record SAR data over boreal forests with topographic effects to investigate the effect on biomass retrieval.

  • BioSAR 2008

    The main objective of BioSAR-2 (BioSAR 2008) campaign was to record SAR data over boreal forests with topographic effects to investigate the effect on biomass retrieval.

  • BioSAR 2007

    The BioSAR campaign aimed to support geophysical algorithm development, calibration/validation and the simulation of future spaceborne Earth Observation missions.

  • BioSAR 2007

    The BioSAR campaign aimed to support geophysical algorithm development, calibration/validation and the simulation of future spaceborne Earth Observation missions.

  • Biomass

    The objective of the Biomass mission is to determine the global distribution of forest biomass.