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Discover and download the Earth observation data you need from the broad catalogue of missions the European Space Agency operate and support.
  • Landsat RBV

    This dataset contains Landsat 3 Return Beam Vidicon (RBV) products, acquired by ESA by the Fucino ground station over its visibility mask. The data (673 scenes) are the result of the digitalization of the original 70 millimetre (mm) black and white film rolls. The RBV instrument was mounted on board the Landsat 1 to 3 satellites between 1972 and 1983, with 80 metre resolution. Three independent co-aligned television cameras, one for each spectral band (band 1: blue-green, band 2: yellow-red, band 3: NIR), constituted this instrument. The RBV system was redesigned for Landsat 3 to use two cameras operating in one broad spectral band (green to near-infrared; 0.505–0.750 µm), mounted side-by-side, with panchromatic spectral response and higher spatial resolution than on Landsat 1 and Landsat 2. Each of the cameras produced a swath of about 90 km (for a total swath of 180 km), with a spatial resolution of 40 m.

  • Landsat MSS ESA Archive

    This dataset contains all the Landsat 1 to Landsat 5 Multi Spectral Scanner (MSS) high-quality ortho-rectified Level 1 GEO and GTC dataset acquired by ESA over the Fucino, Kiruna (active from April to September only) and Maspalomas (on campaign basis) visibility masks. The acquired Landsat MSS scene covers approximately 183 x 172.8 km. A standard full scene is nominally centred on the intersection between a path and row (the actual image centre can vary by up to 200 m). The altitude changed from 917 km to 705 km and therefore two World Reference Systems (WRS) were used. A full image is composed of 3460 pixels x 2880 lines with a pixel size of 60 m. Two different product levels are available: Geometrically and terrain corrected GTC Products (L1T): The most accurate level of processing as they incorporate Ground Control Points (GCPs) and a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to provide systematic geometric and topographic accuracy; with geodetic accuracy dependent on the number, spatial distribution and accuracy of the GCPs over the scene extent, and the resolution of the DEM used. Geometrically corrected GEO Product (L1G): Normally generated where there is a lack of GCPs, and are derived purely from data collected by the sensor and spacecraft e.g. ephemeris data. Matera density and coverage map Kiruna density and coverage map Maspalomas density and coverage map

  • IKONOS ESA archive

    ESA maintains an archive of IKONOS Geo Ortho Kit data previously requested through the TPM scheme and acquired between 2000 and 2008, over Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. The imagery products gathered from IKONOS are categorised according to positional accuracy, which is determined by the reliability of an object in the image to be within the specified accuracy of the actual location of the object on the ground. Within each IKONOS-derived product, location error is defined by a circular error at 90% confidence (CE90), which means that locations of objects are represented on the image within the stated accuracy 90% of the time. There are six levels of IKONOS imagery products, determined by the level of positional accuracy: Geo, Standard Ortho, Reference, Pro, Precision and PrecisionPlus. The product provided by ESA to Category-1 users is the Geo Ortho Kit, consisting of IKONOS Black-and-White images with radiometric and geometric corrections (1-metre pixels, CE90=15 metres) bundled with IKONOS multispectral images with absolute radiometry (4-metre pixels, CE90=50 metres). IKONOS collects 1m and 4m Geo Ortho Kit imagery (nominally at nadir 0.82m for panchromatic image, 3.28m for multispectral mode) at an elevation angle between 60 and 90 degrees. To increase the positional accuracy of the final orthorectified imagery, customers should select imagery with IKONOS elevation angle between 72 and 90 degrees. The Geo Ortho Kit is tailored for sophisticated users such as photogrammetrists who want to control the orthorectification process. Geo Ortho Kit images include the camera geometry obtained at the time of image collection. Applying Geo Ortho Kit imagery, customers can produce their own highly accurate orthorectified products by using commercial off the shelf software, digital elevation models (DEMs) and optional ground control. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.