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  • ESA's multi-level global thermosphere data products consistent with Swarm and GRACE (-FO)

    In this project, the possibility of using the space-based along-track Thermospheric Neutral Density (TND) estimates for generating the European Space Agency (ESA)'s Level 3 (L3) global multi-level TND data products is assessed.

  • Swarm Ionospheric Polar Electrodynamics

    The goal of the Swarm ionospheric polar electrodynamics (SWIPE) project is to create and disseminate the most advanced models of high-latitude Joule dissipation, ionospheric convection, and ionospheric conductances.

  • EO Summer Schools

    ESA's series of summer schools, on Monitoring of the Earth System, aims to promote the exploitation of Earth observation (EO) data.

  • MUltisource data package tools and SErvices (MUSE)

    The MUSE project aims to develop and integrate a tool to simultaneously manipulate geospatial data products, satellite, model and in-situ data.

  • Swarm Ion Temperature Estimation

    The main objective of Swarm Ion Temperature Estimation (SITE) project is to estimate ion temperatures along the orbits of Swarm satellites using available LP electron density and temperature measurements, and numerical models.

  • Swarm LP Ion Drift and Effective Mass

    The Swarm LP Ion Drift and Effective Mass (SLIDEM) project will augment Swarm's ability to measure the along-track component of ion drift, and assess the composition of ionospheric ions.

  • Swarm for earthquake study

    Swarm for earthquake study (SAFE) will study the preparatory phase of large earthquakes through the analysis of electromagnetic data from sensors on board the Swarm constellation.

  • Plasmapause Related boundaries in the topside Ionosphere as derived from Swarm Measurements

    In the project, Plasmapause Related boundaries in the topside Ionosphere as determined from Swarm Measurements (PRISM), the team develop products that characterise position of the plasmapause related phenomena in the topside ionosphere.

  • Dipolar Spherical Elementary Current Systems (DSECS) toolbox

    The purpose of this project is to create a user-friendly version of a previously developed analysis method for estimating ionospheric currents at low and middle latitudes.

  • Contribution of Swarm data to the prompt detection of Tsunamis and other natural hazards

    The main objective of COSTO (Contribution of Swarm data to the prompt detection of Tsunamis and other natural hazards) project is to better characterise, understand and discover coupling processes and interactions.

  • Dragon 2 Cooperation Programme

    The Dragon 2 Programme focussed on the exploitation of ESA, ESA's Third Party Missions and Chinese Earth observation data for science and applications development in land, ocean and atmospheric applications.

  • TIRO

    Topside Ionosphere Radio Observations from multiple LEO-missions (TIRO) project will provide two measurements from onboard instruments of LEO satellite missions: TEC (Total Electron Content) derived from GNSS signals, and electron density derived from KBR (K-Band Ranging) system observations.

  • Ionospheric signature of auroral and subauroral fast flows

    The ionospheric signature of auroral and subauroral fast flows project aims to advance the understanding of narrow regions of fast flow in the auroral and subauroral regions.

  • Swarm Outflow

    The Swarm+ Coupling High-Low Atmosphere Interactions: Ion Outflow ("Swarm+ Outflow") project, which began in May 2019, centres on using Swarm spacecraft to tackle unanswered questions around non-thermal processes that lead to ion outflow.

  • ESA satellites and instruments calibration landing page

    ESA satellites and instruments calibration landing page.

  • FRM4GHG: Reference Measurements for Ground-Based FTIR Greenhouse Gas Observation

    Fiducial Reference Measurements for Ground-Based Infrared Greenhouse Gas Observations (FRM4GHG) is a European Space Agency (ESA) funded project.

  • SCIRoCCo

    The SCIRoCCo project is an interdisciplinary cooperation of scatterometry experts aimed at promoting the continuing exploitation of ESA's unique 20 years' worth of ERS Scatterometer data.

  • Odin-SMR

    ESA/SPPA took the initiative to support the reprocessing of all Odin-SMR measurements in order to create a fully consistent and homogeneous dataset of stratospheric species profiles.


    The ALGOM: GOMOS Level 2 Algorithm Evolution Studies project consists of different Level 2 studies aimed at the improvement of the quality of the GOMOS products.


    The Advanced Clouds, Aerosols and WAter vapour products for Sentinel-3/OLCI project aims to develop and improve the advanced atmospheric retrieval algorithms developed for MERIS and OLCI instruments.