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  • Third Party Missions data contribute to success of ESA's Global Development Assistance

    ESA's GDA is the Global Development Assistance programme, implemented in partnership with International Financial Institutions, to mainstream Earth Observation (EO) technology in global development operations by responding directly to their operational requirements and needs of stakeholders in developing countries.

  • How to find the geographical and temporal coverage of the ESA TPM archive collections

    Explore the ESA TPM archive collections, containing Earth Observation data from international partners, and learn how to discover their geographical and temporal coverage for research and pre-operational applications.

  • What are the Terms of Applicability?

    Essential information about data ordering, accessibility conditions, and distribution constraints for TPM EO data.

  • How to use space data to probe humankind’s ancient past

    Data disseminated by ESA’s Third Party Missions (TPM) programme are enabling archaeological investigations that could help to unravel the mysteries of past societies and cultures.

  • International collaboration: Summarising ESA’s Third Party Missions

    ESA’s Third Party Missions programme consists of more than 50 missions from around the world. Learn more about the Third Party Missions in this video.

  • Showcasing success stories from ESA's Third Party Missions

    ESA’s Third Party Missions programme consists of more than 50 missions from around the world.

  • An overview of the very high-resolution WorldView constellation

    Learn about the WorldView constellation, part of ESA’s Third Party Missions programme, in this infographic.

  • A summary of ESA Third Party Mission collections

    A new summary is available, showcasing the ESA archives for Third Party Mission collections.

  • High-resolution optical images improve geological mapping in remote geothermal areas

    A group of researchers carried out a study on integrating remote sensing analysis with geological and geophysical fieldwork, over the Cerro Domuyo mountain in Patagonia-this led to the use of GeoEye-1 data, which proved to be invaluable, highly improving their understanding of the magmatic and tectonic evolution of this geothermal volcanic area.

  • New open-source Python library improves rapid mapping services

    In emergency services, rapid response is paramount. ICube-SERTIT’s Rapid Mapping Service provides near real-time delivery of geo-information to help emergency services respond quickly to disasters such as flooding, fires and landslides. A new Python open-source library, called EOReader, speeds up this mapping response by enabling the easy opening of imagery from multiple satellite sensors, both optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR).

  • Meet a young researcher who combines remote sensing with deep learning techniques

    Researcher MSc. Anupama Rajkumar recently investigated whether VHR satellite imagery could be combined with advanced deep learning techniques to automate the detection of waste landfills.

  • An overview of ESA's Third Party Missions programme

    ESA’s Third Party Missions programme consists of almost 50 satellite missions, which are owned by organisations around the world. ESA has agreements with these organisations to acquire, process, and distribute data from their missions

  • ESA Third Party Missions timeline

    We've released a new timeline to illustrate the history of the ESA Third Party Missions.

  • GeoEye-1 ESA archive

    The GeoEye-1 archive collection consists of GeoEye-1 products requested by ESA supported projects over their areas of interest around the world. The dataset regularly grows as ESA collects new products over the years. Panchromatic (up to 40 cm resolution) and 4-Bands (up to 1.65 m resolution) products are available. The 4-Bands includes various options such as Multispectral (separate channel for Blue, Green, Red, NIR1), Pan-sharpened (Blue, Green, Red, NIR1), Bundle (separate bands for PAN, Blue, Green, Red, NIR1), Natural Colour (pan-sharpened Blue, Green, Red), Coloured Infrared (pan-sharpened Green, Red, NIR1). The processing levels are: STANDARD (2A): normalised for topographic relief View Ready Standard (OR2A): ready for orthorectification View Ready Stereo: collected in-track for stereo viewing and manipulation Map-Ready (Ortho) 1:12,000 Orthorectified: additional processing unnecessary. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. The following table summarises the offered product types EO-SIP product type Band Combination Description GIS_4B__2A 4-Band (4B) 4-Band Standard/ 4-Band Ortho Ready Standard GIS_4B__MP 4-Band (4B) 4-Band Map Scale Ortho GIS_4B__OR 4-Band (4B) 4-Band Ortho Ready Stereo GIS_PAN_2A Panchromatic (PAN) Panchromatic Standard/ Panchromatic Ortho Ready Standard GIS_PAN_MP Panchromatic (PAN) Panchromatic Map Scale Ortho GIS_PAN_OR Panchromatic (PAN) Panchromatic Ortho Ready Stereo As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • GeoEye-1 full archive and tasking

    GeoEye-1 high resolution optical products are available as part of the Maxar Standard Satellite Imagery products from the QuickBird, WorldView-1/-2/-3/-4 and GeoEye-1 satellites. All details about the data provision, data access conditions and quota assignment procedure are described into the Terms of Applicability available in Resources section. In particular, GeoEye-1 offers archive and tasking panchromatic products up to 0.41 m GSD resolution and Multispectral products up to 1.65 m GSD resolution. Band Combination Data Processing Level Resolutions Panchromatic and 4-bands Standard (2A) / View Ready Standard (OR2A) 15 cm HD, 30 cm HD, 30 cm, 40 cm, 50/60 cm View Ready Stereo 30 cm, 40 cm, 50/60 cm Map-Ready (Ortho) 1:12,000 Orthorectified 15 cm HD, 30 cm HD, 30 cm, 40 cm, 50/60 cm The options for 4-Bands are the following: 4-Band Multispectral (BLUE, GREEN, RED, NIR1) 4-Band Pan-sharpened (BLUE, GREEN, RED, NIR1) 4-Band Bundle (PAN, BLUE, GREEN, RED, NIR1) 3-Bands Natural Colour (pan-sharpened BLUE, GREEN, RED) 3-Band Colored Infrared (pan-sharpened GREEN, RED, NIR1). Native 30 cm and 50/60 cm resolution products are processed with MAXAR HD Technology to generate respectively the 15 cm HD and 30 cm HD products the initial special resolution (GSD) is unchanged but the HD technique increases the number of pixels and improves the visual clarity achieving aesthetically refined imagery with precise edges and well-reconstructed details. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution imagery of conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • How do I access the ESA Third Party Mission (TPM) data?

    Access ESA Third Party Mission (TPM) data by applying with 'Fast Registration with Immediate Access' or 'Fast Registration with Approval.

  • What is the ESA online On-The-Fly dissemination service?

    Explore ESA's On-The-Fly dissemination service (L-OADS), featuring Third Party Missions and ESAR products enabling immediate downloads upon request with a valid EO Sign-In account.

  • ESA-archive-third-party-mission-collections.pdf

    Discover the ESA archive data collections offered for the Third Party Missions programme.

  • WorldView-GeoEye-QuickBird-Terms-Of-Applicability.pdf

    This document contains the Terms of Applicability for accessing data from the WorldView 1-4, GeoEye 1 and QuickBird missions

  • DigitalGlobe-Standard-Imagery.pdf

    DigitalGlobe’s Standard Imagery products are designed for users with knowledge of remote sensing applications and image processing tools that require data of modest absolute geometric accuracy and/or large area coverage.