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  • HydroGNSS

    HydroGNSS is a microsatellite mission, which is part of the Scout framework, and consists of a GNSS-R (Global Navigation Satellite System Reflectometry) constellation that primarily addresses land. Scout missions are a new element in ESA's Earth Observation FutureEO Programme.

  • Workshop demonstrates benefits of soil moisture data validation tool

    Soil moisture scientists had the opportunity to train with an ESA validation service at a recent workshop. The tool, which is highly rated by the CEOS Working Group on Calibration and Validation, provides valuable support for validating data.

  • FINESSE at Andøya 2023

    The Andøya campaign was undertaken in support of the Earth Explorer 9 Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring (FORUM) mission.

  • FINESSE at Andøya 2023

    The Andøya campaign was undertaken in support of the Earth Explorer 9 Far-infrared Outgoing Radiation Understanding and Monitoring (FORUM) mission.

  • SMOS data distribution resumed

    SMOS data distribution to end users was resumed on 12 March 2024 after confirmation of the adequate quality of the current data.

  • FDR4ALT - ESA unveils new cutting-edge ERS/Envisat Altimeter and Microwave Radiometer Datasets

    The European Space Agency (ESA) has developed a comprehensive suite of innovative Earth system data records as part of the Fundamental Data Records for Altimetry project - FDR4ALT.

  • Fundamental Data Records for Radiometry [MWR_FDR___]

    This dataset is a Fundamental Data Record (FDR) resulting from the ESA FDR4ALT project. The Fundamental Data Record for Radiometry V1 products contain intercalibrated Top of the Atmosphere brightness temperatures at 23.8 and 36.5 GHz. The collection covers data for the ERS-1, ERS-2 and Envisat missions, and is built upon a new processing of Level 0 data, incorporating numerous improvements in terms of algorithms, flagging procedures, and corrections. Compared to existing datasets, the Radiometry FDR demonstrates notable improvements in several aspects: New solutions for instrumental effects (ERS Reflector loss, Skyhorn, and Sidelobe corrections) Native sampling rate of 7Hz with enhanced coverage The FDR4ALT products are available in NetCDF format. Free standard tools for reading NetCDF data can be used. Information for expert altimetry users is also available in a dedicated NetCDF group within the products. Please consult the FDR4ALT Product User Guide before using the data. The FDR4ALT datasets represent the new reference data for the ERS/Envisat altimetry missions, superseding any previous mission data. Users are strongly encouraged to make use of these datasets for optimal results.

  • SMOS data outage since 22 February 2024

    SMOS went into safe mode on 22 February 2024 at 05:10 UTC for reasons that are still under investigation.

  • Celebrating ESA’s first small satellite with science success

    Scientists and data users gathered at a special workshop to celebrate the end of PROBA-1’s CHRIS sensor and discuss the results of this overachieving mission.

  • New reanalysis dataset impacts SMOS Level 3 and 4 sea ice thickness

    On 24 January 2024 the JRA55 reanalysis dataset was terminated and updated with the Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Century.

  • Temporary interruption to Envisat AATSR dissemination service

    A planned downtime will affect the access to the ftp dissemination server for the Envisat AATSR data during the period 13-15 February 2024.

  • New FLEX-related campaign datasets released

    New datasets have been released for three campaigns, covering activities supporting the upcoming FLEX mission.

  • Space data support Earth’s ecosystems

    ESA’s Earth observation (EO) missions are making a critical contribution to monitoring transformations in our planet’s ecosystems, helping track changes in the vegetation, soil, and ocean that affect these systems.

  • Highlighting the value of SMOS data in space weather applications

    Data from ESA’s SMOS mission are driving many space weather applications, ranging from air navigation, characterisation of solar flares, space weather modelling and ionospheric electron content mapping.

  • Ensuring soil moisture data quality with reference measurements

    ESA is taking steps to verify the accuracy of soil moisture estimation with the Fiducial Reference Measurements for Soil Moisture (FRM4SM) project and a new version of the Quality Assurance for Soil Moisture (QA4SM) service.

  • Setting the standard for drone-based validation of satellite data

    The ESA-supported Surface Reflectance Intercomparison eXercise for Vegetation (SRIX4Veg) – which began in 2022 – is working to put forward good-practice procedures agreed through a series of workshops and a dedicated UAV campaign.

  • GEOSAT-2 Spain Coverage

    The GEOSAT-2 Spain Coverage collection consists of two separate coverages of Spain, including the Balearic and Canary islands, acquired by GEOSAT-2 between March and November of 2021 and 2022, respectively. The available imagery have a geolocation accuracy of < 4 m RMSE, a cloud cover percentage of < 10 %, and were acquired at an off-nadir angle from -30° to 30°. Spatial coverage of the 2021 collection. The following product types are available: Pan-sharpened: A four-band image, resulting from adding the information of each multispectral band to the panchromatic band. The fusion does not preserves all spectral features of the multispectral bands, so it should not be used for radiometric purposes. Resolution 1 m; Bands: All. Bundle: Panchromatic (1 m resolution) + Multispectral bands (4 m resolution): five-band image containing the panchromatic and multispectral products packaged together, with band co-registration. The available processing level is L1C orthorectified: a calibrated and radiometrically corrected product, manually orthorectified and resampled to a map grid. Property Spatial Resolution Pan-sharpened 1.0 m Bundle (PAN + MS) 1.0 m (PAN), 4.0 m (MS)

  • PROBA-V’s companion explores low-cost remote sensing

    With the launch of PROBA-V’s Companion CubeSat (PV-CC), ESA supports a future where clusters of cheaper, small satellites could complement full-scale missions for Earth observation.

  • 2nd SMOS for Space Weather Workshop

    The 2nd Workshop on SMOS for Space Weather will take place on 27th October 2023, hosted by the Space Weather Group of the University of Alcala, Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spain).

  • Synergy of space data helps modernise irrigation systems

    The growing demands on agriculture, coupled with the climate crisis, are pressurising Earth’s valuable freshwater resources and making assessment of water practices ever more important.