earth online

Pléiades Neo data now open to users

30 May 2022


Pléiades Neo - Venice carnival, Italy
Pléiades Neo - Venice carnival, Italy


Very High Resolution optical Pléiades Neo data is available for research and development projects upon submission of a project proposal subject to evaluation and acceptance by ESA and the data owner.

Pléiades Neo, offering panchromatic imagery at a resolution of 0.3 m (1.2 m for multispectral), provides continuity for the Pléiades mission, with enhanced performance in terms of accuracy, reactivity and frequency. For more information please check the Pléiades Neo Mission page.

ESA will support as many high-quality and innovative projects as possible within the quota limit available, therefore only a limited number of products may be provided to each project. Availability and restrictions to the use of the data are described in the ESA Third Party Missions T&Cs and in the Terms of Applicability document.
