earth online

New query history and Time Series Processing features for cs2eo

11 Sep 2024

cs2eo Time Series Example
cs2eo Time Series Example

New features have been added to the CryoSat data and information services platform cs2eo.

The platform now offers a query history and download history, allowing logged-in users to revisit, modify and resubmit past queries, and to retrieve file download links for more recent ones.

In addition, the Time Series Processing tool now allows users to plot percentile bands, showing the spread of elevation change over the selected area, and to apply an outlier removal algorithm to remove spurious data points.

To stay up to date with the latest updates to cs2eo, make sure to check the releases section of the website.

The cs2eo website allows users to discover, visualise and download the spatial and temporal intersections between ESA, NASA and other Earth observation datasets. It is developed for ESA by Earthwave in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh.  


