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  • Mission
  • SAOCOM Objectives

SAOCOM Objectives

The main mission objectives are to satisfy user needs in Argentina in the following areas:

  • agriculture, fishing and forestry
  • weather and climate, hydrology and oceanography
  • emergencies
  • environment and natural resources of land and sea
  • urban areas, cartography
  • geology, mining and territorial planning
  • health
  • To operationally integrate the SIASGE System, which consists of the Argentine-Italian SAOCOM Constellation and the Italian COSMO-SkyMed Constellation in order to implement a double band (X+L) SAR joint mission between ASI and CONAE

The main drivers of the SAOCOM mission are to:

  • Support agriculture, hydrology-including floods and other emergencies
  • Generate operative soil moisture maps
  • Exploit SAR interferometric capability