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Hurricane Hilary, September 2011

In September 2011, Hurricane Hilary emerged in the eastern Pacific Ocean as a formidable tropical cyclone. It intensified rapidly, reaching Category 4 status on the Saffir-Simpson scale as it moved northwestward. While Hilary primarily affected coastal regions of Mexico, its powerful winds and heavy rainfall posed significant threats to communities along its path.

  • Image 1: Product: MERIS_RR_1P (1200 metre resolution), Satellite: Envisat, Instrument: Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometre (MERIS), Acqusition Date: 25 Sep 2011, Orbit: 50055, Orbit direction: Descending, Band combination: 11, 14, 3 (RGB)
  • Image 2: Product: MERIS_FR_1P, Satellite: Envisat, Instrument: Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometre (MERIS), Acqusition Date: 25 Sep 2011, Orbit: 50055, Orbit direction: Descending, Band combination: 11, 14, 3 (RGB)

