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Kilimanjaro Tanzania

10 Nov 2021

Kilimanjaro, Tanzania


Title: Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Description: This 100 m image from 11 September 2016, features mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, which is the highest mountain range in Africa. The mountain is part of the Kilimanjaro National Park and is a major climbing destination, but also subject of many scientific studies because of its shrinking glaciers and disappearing ice fields.

Kilimanjaro is a large stratovolcano and is composed of three distinct volcanic cones: Kibo, the highest; Mawenzi at 5,149 metres and Shira, at 4,005 metres. Mawenzi and Shira are extinct, while Kibo is dormant and could erupt again.

Copyright: ESA-Belspo (2016) / processed by VITO
