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The PANGEA observatory is located on the island of Antikythera

23 May 2023

The PANGEA observatory is located on the island of Antikythera

Title: The PANGEA observatory is located on the island of Antikythera

Description: This photo features the Greek island of Antikythera, which is home to the PANGEA observatory of the National Observatory of Athens. PANGEA is a national research infrastructure of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), chaired by the Director of NOA and scientifically coordinated by its Scientific Committee with participations by all NOA Institutes. The project is funded by the European Investment Bank the Hellenic Ministry of Development. Current projects supporting PANGEA include the D-TECT ERC, the PANGEA4CalVal TWINNING and the L2A+, ACPV ESA studies.

Copyright: Amiridis, V., 2023
