earth online

Meet the Earth Online Editorial & Graphics Services Team

04 Apr 2024

The Earth Online Editorial Service produces diverse publications, which facilitate ESA and TPM data discovery and exploitation, ensuring that the website maintains a returning and ever-growing user base.

Launched in 1997, ESA’s Earth Online website provides technical and data access information. Initially, the news publications mainly focused on maintenance and operations, however, since 2018, the service has expanded to include an editorial and graphical service, which firstly produced success stories and overtime expanded to various types of content.

Comparison of publications
Comparison of publications

This has contributed to users returning regularly to discover the data offerings and to promote the existing technical information about the various Earth Explorer, Third Party, and Heritage Missions, and their data.

Contents that the editorial team have published include: Success Stories; mission and data collection infographics; Thematic articles; Docu-Videos; How to guides on data access; and interviews with researchers and teams who work on or support ESA activities, to show you who is behind every task.

But let’s meet the team members of the Editorial Services …

The Editorial team

Malì Cecere – Operations Manager and Senior EO Editor

Born in Sardinia, Italy, Malì grew-up in Washington, DC., where she obtained her International Baccalaureate Diploma at the Washington International School. She then moved to Rome and attended the Rome State University, La Sapienza, where she attained a Master’s degree in Languages and Literatures, while also acting in theatre and for the cinema.

She has worked in the field of communications for various companies, until she came to ESRIN in 2015, as an EO editor for EJR-Quartz.

Malì was the first editor to start with Earth Online, and is currently team leader and operations manager, while also contributing articles, texts and scripts, as well as presenting videos.

Susan Kelly –Senior EO Editor and Contract Officer

Born in Dublin, Ireland, Susan studied Experimental Physics at University College Dublin and then at the Royal Institute of Technology, in Stockholm. Besides enjoying science of all kinds, Susan is an avid reader and writer, so that her transition into science communication felt like the perfect career path. She started as an editor in the field of electronic engineering, covering print and web publication on optics, microelectronics and embedded systems, before moving to the Netherlands and working in the space industry across various technical domains.

As editor for EJR-Quartz, Susan most enjoys creating content for Earth Online that inspires the research of the remote sensing community, believing that even technical data users need content that is varied and easy to digest.

Declan Perry – Senior EO Editor

Dec grew up on the Wales-England border in the UK, where he became fascinated with space and astronomy thanks to his close proximity to the Welsh Spaceguard Centre, an observatory that monitors asteroids and comets. He also developed an interest in the natural environment and went on to study biology at university, before completing a PhD in entomology and food security. Dec began working for EJR-Quartz in 2019 and as an editor for Earth Online he gets to combine his interests in space and environmental research while preparing content that highlights the achievements of users of ESA Earth observation data.

Mariana Barrosa – Head of the Graphics Science Office

Mariana started her career in science communication in Portugal, where she coordinated Centro Multimeios de Espinho, a science centre and planetarium. After completing an MSc in Science Communication in the UK, she went on to work at the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009) Global Secretariat, in Munich.

She co-founded the Science Office and joined its team as Executive Director in 2010. Since then, she manages all its science communication projects for a wide range of formats and platforms.

Now back in Portugal, she oversees the company and is the contact point for all the accounts, including ESA. Since April 2019, the Science Office is part of the Content Matters Group together with EJR-Quartz.

Come meet the team at the EGU Conference in Vienna, Austria, where they will feature the Power of Content presentation at 10:30 AM CEST on Tuesday 16 April, at the official ESA booth.
