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  • 10 years of Envisat data help to illuminate ocean processes

    , a surface oceanic current that forms the western boundary current of the southern Indian Ocean [2].

  • ASAR Processor Releases

    August 2009 5.03L03 9 October 2009 5.04 17 September 2010 6.00 16 December 2011 6.02 30 April 2012 6.03 3 July 2015 (current

  • ASAR Products Information

    Higher level products (Level 2) can then be derived from L1 products; however, this is currently only done with Wave mode

  • EO Summer School 3

    In line with observations it shows anti-cyclonically rotating surface currents and cyclonically rotating bottom currents.

  • EO Summer School 5

    Keynote lectures on global change issues are also given to discuss the current state of the science of global change and

  • EO Summer School 6

    Keynote lectures on global change issues are also given to discuss the current state of the science of global change and

  • SEASAR 2008

    of the workshop were: Wave mode processing algorithms, product validation and assimilation Ocean Wind applications Ocean Current

  • Space and the Arctic 2009 Workshop

    possibilities for the future : Volker Liebig, Director of ESA EO Programme Observations of the Arctic - EUMETSAT's Contribution to Current

  • Update-on-AATSR-Visible-Channel-Long-Term-Trends.pdf

    This document contains calibration guidance for the AATSR instrument.