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  • Earth Online Newsletter - 28 June 2024

    This issue of the Earth Online Newsletter covers a selection of the latest news and events from ESA.

  • Go-to guide to Third Party Mission data offering

    Data Access Guide has been published, providing technical details and information on available data collections for all current

  • EO Summer School 3

    In line with observations it shows anti-cyclonically rotating surface currents and cyclonically rotating bottom currents.

  • Space and the Arctic 2009 Workshop

    possibilities for the future : Volker Liebig, Director of ESA EO Programme Observations of the Arctic - EUMETSAT's Contribution to Current

  • SEASAR 2012

    Aouf 14:00 - 14:20 Towards consistent inversion of wind, waves and surface current from SAR Bertrand Chapron (IFREMER, France

  • EDAP

    The following missions are currently being considered as part of the Automatic Identification System (AIS) and Radio Frequency

  • SLAP

    Currently, in excess of 701,000 Level 1 TM and 84,000 Level 1 ETM+ products have been reprocessed and released under the