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Discover the latest news on the European Space Agency's Earth Observation activities. Learn all about new data availability and how ESA's missions are performing.
  • Easy visualisation of Earth observation data with new HEDAVI tool modes

    25 June 2024

    The Discover mode in HEDAVI showcases the usefulness of Earth Observation (EO) data in a variety of applications through a list of case-studies—so-called “stories”. The first new feature allows users to share links to the stories in HEDAVI. The second new feature allows them to export any image of a case-study from the Discover mode to the Explorer mode.

  • ESA's improved Earth system data records: what is in store for the future?

    8 Apr 2024

    Fundamental Data Records (FDRs) are instrumental in advancing our understanding of Earth systems and for addressing societal challenges effectively. These long-term records contain uncertainty-quantified, calibrated and geo-located multi-instrument/multi-platform satellite sensor data spanning several decades to support climate-related applications.

  • HEDAVI Discover: a step-by-step guide

    27 Mar 2024

    The Heritage Data Visualisation tool (HEDAVI) is a platform developed by the French Science Consulting for Earth Observation group, VisioTerra, which allows users to freely access over 40 years of ESA Earth Observation Heritage data, Third Party Missions and some Copernicus data.

  • FDR4ALT - ESA unveils new cutting-edge ERS/Envisat Altimeter and Microwave Radiometer Datasets

    8 Mar 2024

    The European Space Agency (ESA) has developed a comprehensive suite of innovative Earth system data records as part of the Fundamental Data Records for Altimetry project - FDR4ALT.

  • Change of access to FTP-S for ERS and Envisat Radar Altimeter data

    28 Nov 2023

    As of 29 November 2023, access to the ERS-1/2 and Envisat Radar Altimeter data will be changed from simple FTP to FTP-S.

  • How to request level zero radar data from ERS and Envisat

    5 Dec 2022

    To apply to use level zero (A)SAR radar data from ESA’s European Remote Sensing satellites (ERS-1 and ERS-2) and its Envisat mission for research purposes, you should prepare and submit an online form – called a Data Service Request – to put forward your proposed project to ESA for evaluation.

  • National missions in the spotlight at the Living Planet Symposium

    25 May 2022

    In the framework of ESA’s Third Party Missions (TPM) programme, the agency offers access to the full data archives of almost 50 satellite missions, which are owned by organisations around the world.

  • New reprocessing of datasets celebrates 30 years of ERS

    22 July 2021

    The ERS programme celebrated its 30th anniversary on 17 July. Today, we are still exploiting ERS data and experts continue to work on improving the altimeter, radiometer and SAR data the programme acquired.

  • ALOS PALSAR WB1 Collection now available online

    24 Mar 2020

    Area Observation Mode (Burst Mode 1) collection, which will complete the existing ALOS PALSAR data offer.

  • GOME TCWV Climate product available online

    6 Dec 2018

    GOME Total Column Water Vapour (TCWV) Climate product developed within the ESA GOME-Evolution project is now accessible from the ESA data archives together with the ERS-2 GOME data.

  • New ERS-2 GOME Level 1 v5.1 dataset available online

    20 June 2018

    A new GOME Level 1b dataset has been generated for the 16-year mission period bringing relevant quality improvements for the revised calibration approach, compensating aging and instrument degradation, and provide enhanced accessibility.