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Discover the latest news on the European Space Agency's Earth Observation activities. Learn all about new data availability and how ESA's missions are performing.
  • Celebrating ESA’s first small satellite with science success

    22 Feb 2024

    Scientists and data users gathered at a special workshop to celebrate the end of PROBA-1’s CHRIS sensor and discuss the results of this overachieving mission.

  • New FLEX-related campaign datasets released

    31 Jan 2024

    New datasets have been released for three campaigns, covering activities supporting the upcoming FLEX mission.

  • Workshop celebrates end of long-running PROBA-1 satellite

    31 Oct 2023

    In January, ESA will mark the end of its long-running CHRIS sensor onboard the PROBA-1 satellite in a special workshop.

  • PROBA-1 - End of CHRIS acquisitions

    19 Jan 2023

    The CHRIS instrument onboard PROBA-1 successfully ended its operational phase in December 2022 and will no longer acquire images.

  • VHR Data Quality in the limelight

    8 June 2022

    In recent years, the satellite landscape has steadily expanded with a variety of very high resolution (VHR) commercial satellites, also emerging from new space providers. A result of this growth is an increased need to address data quality assurance.

  • Vision-1 data now open to users

    17 May 2022

    In the framework of the Third Party Missions programme, ESA is offering, for scientific research and application development, access to archive and new tasking data from the Vision-1 mission upon submission and acceptance of a project proposal.

  • Release of CHRIS PROBA-1 toolbox for SNAP

    29 Jan 2021

    PROBA -1 continues to provide valuable hyperspectral data to the scientific community, and so the tools to handle this data have been incorporated into ESA’s SNAP multi-mission toolbox.