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  • Showcasing the atmosphere-studying Odin mission

    Learn about the Odin mission in our new infographic.

  • Remote sensing data map impacts of natural hazards

    As climate change increases the frequency and severity of natural disasters, remote sensing data can warn about extreme events and help tackle emergency situations.

  • Odin OSIRIS data products

    The Odin OSIRIS (Optical Spectrograph and Infra-Red Imaging System) data provides vertical profiles measures of spectrally dispersed, limb scattered sunlight from the upper troposphere into the lower mesosphere. The data products are regularly processed and provide Ozone density vertical profiles (both Level 2 and Level 3), vertical profiles of stratospheric Aerosol (both Level 2 and Level 3), slant column densities of nitrogen dioxide NO2 profiles (Level 2), stratospheric BrO profiles (Level 2).

  • Odin celebrates 18 years in orbit

    ESA is proud to celebrate the excellent long-lasting performance of the Swedish-led Odin mission.

  • Odin

    Odin is an atmosphere-studying satellite mission from Sweden, Canada, France and Finland.

  • Atmosphere-studying Odin mission enjoys ongoing success

    More than two decades after it began operations, the Odin remote sensing satellite is continuing to make strong contributions to high-impact atmospheric science.