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  • New Announcement of Opportunity for GNSS Reflectometry data from Spire

    ESA is offering access to Global Navigation Satellite System data in a new Announcement of Opportunity for Spire.

  • Announcement of Opportunity for Spire data

    ESA is launching an Announcement of Opportunity for the international scientific community to access data from the Spire mission for science and applications development.

  • ESA promotes radio frequency monitoring as Spire becomes TPM

    The global company Spire, which specialises in using continuous global monitoring to track aircraft, ships and weather patterns using a large constellation of CubeSats, is now an ESA Third Party Mission.

  • Workshop celebrates end of long-running PROBA-1 satellite

    In January, ESA will mark the end of its long-running CHRIS sensor onboard the PROBA-1 satellite in a special workshop.

  • New cross-calibration readies PROBA-1 data for climate research

    While PROBA-1 has already exceeded expectations by suppling over 21 years of Earth observation hyperspectral data, recent cross-calibration activities are aiming to ensure the data will robustly serve long time-series research, even when the satellite ends operations.

  • A summary of ESA Third Party Mission collections

    A new summary is available, showcasing the ESA archives for Third Party Mission collections.

  • PROBA-1 - From technology demonstration to long-term Earth observation

    Learn about ESA's PROBA-1 (Project for On-Board Autonomy) mission in our new infographic.

  • Spire live and historical data

    The data collected by Spire from its 100 satellites launched into Low Earth Orbit (LEO) has a diverse range of applications, from analysis of global trade patterns and commodity flows to aircraft routing to weather forecasting. The data also provides interesting research opportunities on topics as varied as ocean currents and GNSS-based planetary boundary layer height. The following products can be requested: GNSS Polarimetric Radio Occultation (STRATOS) Novel Polarimetric Radio Occultation (PRO) measurements collected by three Spire satellites are available over 15 May 2023 to 30 November 2023. PRO differ from regular RO (described below) in that the H and V polarizations of the signal are available, as opposed to only Right-Handed Circularly Polarized (RHCP) signals in regular RO. The differential phase shift between H and V correlates with the presence of hydrometeors (ice crystals, rain, snow, etc.). When combined, the H and V information provides the same information on atmospheric thermodynamic properties as RO: temperature, humidity, and pressure, based on the signal’s bending angle. Various levels of the products are provided. GNSS Reflectometry (STRATOS) GNSS Reflectometry (GNSS-R) is a technique to measure Earth’s surface properties using reflections of GNSS signals in the form of a bistatic radar. Spire collects two types of GNSS-R data: Near-Nadir incidence LHCP reflections collected by the Spire GNSS-R satellites, and Grazing-Angle GNSS-R (i.e., low elevation angle) RHCP reflections collected by the Spire GNSS-RO satellites. The Near-Nadir GNSS-R collects DDM (Delay Doppler Map) reflectivity measurements. These are used to compute ocean wind / wave conditions and soil moisture over land. The Grazing-Angle GNSS-R collects 50 Hz reflectivity and additionally carrier phase observations. These are used for altimetry and characterization of smooth surfaces (such as ice and inland water). Derived Level 1 and Level 2 products are available, as well as some special Level 0 raw intermediate frequency (IF) data. Historical grazing angle GNSS-R data are available from May 2019 to the present, while near-nadir GNSS-R data are available from December 2020 to the present. Name Temporal coverage Spatial coverage Description Data format and content Application Polarimetric Radio Occultation (PRO) measurements 15 May 2023 to 30 November 2023 Global PRO measurements observe the properties of GNSS signals as they pass through by Earth's atmosphere, similar to regular RO measurements. The polarization state of the signals is recorded separately for H and V polarizations to provide information on the anisotropy of hydrometeors along the propagation path leoOrb.sp3. This file contains the estimated position, velocity and receiver clock error of a given Spire satellite after processing of the POD observation file proObs. Level 0 - Raw open loop carrier phase measurements at 50 Hz sampling for both linear polarization components (horizontal and vertical) of the occulted GNSS signal. h(v)(c)atmPhs. Level 1B - Atmospheric excess phase delay computed for each individual linear polarization component (hatmPhs, vatmPhs) and for the combined (“H” + “V”) signal (catmPhs). Also contains values for signal-to-noise ratio, transmitter and receiver positions and open loop model information. polPhs. Level 1C - Combines the information from the hatmPhs and vatmPhs files while removing phase continuities due to phase wrapping and navigation bit modulation. patmPrf. Level 2 - Bending angle, dry refractivity, and dry temperature as a function of mean sea level altitude and impact parameter derived from the “combined” excess phase delay (catmPhs) PRO measurements add a sensitivity to ice and precipitation content alongside the traditional RO measurements of the atmospheric temperature, pressure, and water vapor. Near-Nadir GNSS Reflectometry (NN GNSS-R) measurements 25 January-2024 to 24 July 2024 Global Tracks of surface reflections as observed by the near-nadir pointing GNSS-R antennas, based on Delay Doppler Maps (DDMs). Level 1B - Along-track calibrated bistatic radar cross-sections measured by Spire conventional GNSS-R satellites. Level 1B - Along-track calibrated bistatic and normalized radar cross-sections measured by Spire conventional GNSS-R satellites. Level 2 - Along-track SNR, reflectivity, and retrievals of soil moisture (and associated uncertainties) and probability of frozen ground. Level 2 - Along-track retrievals of mean square slope (MSS) of the sea surface, wind speed, sigma0, and associated uncertainties. NN GNSS-R measurements are used to measure ocean surface winds and characterize land surfaces for applications such as soil moisture, freeze/thaw monitoring, flooding detection, inland water body delineation, sea ice classification, etc. Grazing angle GNSS Reflectometry (GA GNSS-R) measurements 25 January 2024 to 24 July 2024 Global Tracks of surface reflections as observed by the limb-facing RO antennas, based on open-loop tracking outputs: 50 Hz collections of accumulated I/Q observations Level 1B - Along-track SNR, reflectivity, phase delay (with respect to an open loop model) and low-level observables and bistatic radar geometries such as receiver, specular reflection, and the transmitter locations. Level 2 - Along-track water vs sea ice classification, along with sea ice type classification. Level 2 - Along-track phase-delay, ionosphere-corrected altimetry, tropospheric delay, and ancillary models (mean sea surface, tides). GA GNSS-R measurements are used to 1) characterize land surfaces for applications such as sea ice classification, freeze/thaw monitoring, inland water body detection and delineation, etc., and 2) measure relative altimetry with dm-level precision for inland water bodies, river slopes, sea ice freeboard, etc., but also water vapor characterization from delay based on tropospheric delays. Additionally, the following products (better detailed in the ToA) can be requested but the acceptance is not guaranteed and shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis: Other STRATOS measurements: profiles of the Earth’s atmosphere and ionosphere, from December 2018 ADS-B Data Stream: monthly subscription to global ADS-B satellite data, available from December 2018 AIS messages: AIS messages observed from Spire satellites (S-AIS) and terrestrial from partner sensor stations (T-AIS), monthly subscription available from June 2016 The products are available as part of the Spire provision with worldwide coverage. All details about the data provision, data access conditions and quota assignment procedure are described in the Terms of Applicability.


    The HRC Level 1A product is an image with a pixel resolution of 8m. The data are grey scale images, an image contains 1026 x 1026 pixels and covers an area of 25 km2. HRC data is supplied in BMP format. All PROBA-1 passes are systematically acquired according to the current acquisition plan, HRC data are processed every day to Level 1A and made available to ESA users. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

  • Spire

    Spire Global's constellation of Lemur nanosatellites offer satellite-based maritime, aviation and weather tracking.

  • ESA-archive-third-party-mission-collections.pdf

    Discover the ESA archive data collections offered for the Third Party Missions programme.

  • FedEO

    FedEO is a data catalogue that provides a unique entry point to a number of scientific catalogues and services for, but not limited to, European and Canadian missions.

  • EO CAT

    EO CAT is a data catalogue, offering a Next Generation Earth Observation system designed to manage end-user Earth Observation services.

  • 3rd-CHRIS-Proba-Workshop.pdf

    Proceedings of the 3rd CHRIS/Proba Workshop, held from 21-23 March 2005 at ESA-ESRIN in Frascati, Italy.

  • Release of CHRIS PROBA-1 toolbox for SNAP

    PROBA -1 continues to provide valuable hyperspectral data to the scientific community, and so the tools to handle this data have been incorporated into ESA’s SNAP multi-mission toolbox.

  • PROBA-1

    PROBA-1 is a technology demonstration satellite that later became an operational Earth observation mission.

  • Three new Third Party Missions under evaluation

    ICEYE, PlanetScope and Spire under evaluation. Interested users can investigate suitability of the data for scientific and R&D activities.

  • Comparing Three Canopy Reflectance Models with Hyperspectral Multi-Angular Satellite Data

    Studies that compare modelled reflectances with satellite-measured reflectances for different wavelengths and view angles are still rare. We compared model outputs from three different canopy reflectance models (SLC, FRT and INFORM) with satellite measured reflectances (Chris/PROBA).

  • Mapping of chlorophyll and suspended particulate matter maps from CHRIS imagery of the Oostende ---

    The image set created on 5 August 2003 by CHRIS/PROBA is analyzed to assess the feasibility of producing suspended particulate matter (SPM) and chlorophyll (CHL) maps.