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  • New FLEX-related campaign datasets released

    New datasets have been released for three campaigns, covering activities supporting the upcoming FLEX mission.

  • Global understanding of Earth's land surfaces greatly boosted by satellite data

    ESA perform land surface monitoring with a range of instruments onboard satellites acquiring optical and radar data. Collections of data from these missions are freely available for research purposes.

  • Measuring photosynthetic fluorescence - ESA's FLEX mission

    Learn about ESA's upcoming FLEX mission, which is dedicated to gathering information about photosynthetic activity to shed light on the functioning of Earth's vegetation, in our latest infographic.

  • Satellite data central to ocean monitoring

    Over 95% of Earth’s water is found in our oceans, and yet sadly, oceans are under stress from climate change and pollution. Monitoring our oceans is vital for Earth’s survival and satellites are the primary means of long-term and independent observation of our vast ocean bodies and their associated coastal zones.

  • EO for Agriculture Under Pressure 2024

    EO for Agriculture Under Pressure 2024 Workshop follows up from previous events, bringing together the large community working on EO-based science and solutions for agriculture.

  • FLEXSense 2018

    The 2018 Fluorescence Explorer Sense (FLEXSense) campaign combined various field activities in preparation for the FLEX satellite mission.

  • SoyFLEX 2015

    SoyFLEX 2015 took place over the agricultural area around Jülich, Germany and Rzecin wetland site, Poland

  • SoyFLEX II 2016

    The SoyFLEX II experiment was a repetition of an experiment that took place during the 2015 campaign in Germany.


    ESA's SPectra bARrax Campaign (SPARC) activity was part of the preparatory study for a proposed ESA Earth Explorer mission called SPECTRA. The objective was to collect a CHRIS/PROBA reference dataset for SPECTRA-related studies.

  • FLEXSense 2018

    The 2018 Fluorescence Explorer Sense (FLEXSense) campaign combined various field activities in preparation for the FLEX satellite mission.

  • Fluorescence (FLEX) 2019

    The FLEX 2019 meeting consisted of a series of events addressing remote sensing of vegetation fluorescence.

  • FLEX

    The FLEX mission will provide global maps of vegetation fluorescence, which can be converted into an indicator of photosynthetic activity.