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  • Life beyond re-entry: new Aeolus data a breath of fresh air

    Aeolus data are still improving our understanding of weather and atmospheric science. In Spring 2024, the Aeolus data, science and innovation cluster (DISC) released a new public data update (Baseline 16), with a range of exciting new features.

  • Featuring the power of Earth observation data at EGU

    The European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024 brings together geoscientists from all over the world, aiming to provide a forum where scientists and early career researchers can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts, in all fields of geoscience.

  • Aeolus data and lessons learned: what happens next for ESA’s wind mission?

    The Aeolus satellite returned to Earth on 28 July 2023, in an assisted reentry that marked the end of nearly five years in space. For scientists working with Aeolus data, however, the mission lives on.

  • Young scientists bid farewell to ESA's wind mission

    Students and early career researchers are saying an emotional goodbye to Aeolus ahead of its upcoming reentry.

  • Overview of the Aeolus Level-1B wind product

    Learn about the Aeolus Level-1B wind product, which supports applications for the weather, atmospheric processes and climate research, in our latest infographic.

  • The divine keeper of the winds retires

    ESA’s fifth Earth Explorer - Aeolus - is due to retire soon, but will provide fully nominal data up to the end of operations on 30 April.

  • Scientists to showcase value of Earth observation data at EGU

    Remote sensing scientists are getting ready to present innovative and exciting applications of satellite data at the European Geosciences Union general assembly which will take place from 24 to 28 April in Vienna, Austria.

  • Improved Aeolus Rayleigh-cloudy winds product now available

    An improved Aeolus product is now available: Rayleigh channel winds measured in atmospheric conditions with clouds and/or dense aerosol, known as Rayleigh-cloudy winds.

  • An overview of the Aeolus mission

    In this overview video, ESA's mission manager, Tommaso Parrinello, describes the successes and challenges of this amazing mission, whose impacts will live long beyond its lifetime in space.

  • Improved Aeolus wind data now available

    ESA’s Aeolus mission continues to advance weather forecasting with further data improvements, thanks to a third reprocessing campaign.

  • ESA invites scientists to submit abstracts for EGU 2023

    ESA is calling for researchers to submit abstracts for sessions at the next General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU 2023).

  • The JATAC campaign - Supporting ESA's Aeolus mission

    A new infographic has been released for the Joint Aeolus Tropical Atlantic Campaign (JATAC).

  • Aeolus Level 2C assisted wind fields resulting from NWP (Numerical Weather Prediction) assimilation processing

    The Level 2C wind product of the Aeolus mission provides ECMWF analysis horizontal wind vectors at the geolocations of assimilated L2B HLOS wind components. The L2C can therefore be described as an Aeolus-assisted horizontal wind vector product. The L2C is a distinct product, however the L2C and L2B share a common Earth Explorer file template, with the L2C being a superset of the L2B. The L2C consists of extra datasets appended to the L2B product with information which are relevant to the data assimilation of the L2B winds.

  • Drones join the campaign to validate Aeolus data

    In June and September 2022, the Askos component of the Joint Aeolus Tropical Atlantic Campaign (JATAC), organised by ESA and its international partners, was expanded with new ground-based, drone and radiosonde measurements. The main objective of this campaign was to calibrate and validate Aeolus satellite observations.

  • Space data help to unravel the complexities of Earth’s atmosphere

    As the impacts of the climate crisis intensify, scientists are using ESA’s Earth observation archives to investigate atmospheric processes and their influences on the planet’s changing environment.

  • Exploring the prevailing achievements and future directions of Aeolus

    A tight-knit community of European remote sensing experts converged on the Italian island of Sicily last month to discuss how the strong success of ESA’s Aeolus mission is shaping scientists’ understanding of the winds that sweep across the planet.

  • Satellite data central to ocean monitoring

    Over 95% of Earth’s water is found in our oceans, and yet sadly, oceans are under stress from climate change and pollution. Monitoring our oceans is vital for Earth’s survival and satellites are the primary means of long-term and independent observation of our vast ocean bodies and their associated coastal zones.

  • Launch of Aeolus VRE

    The Aeolus Virtual Research Environment (VRE) is a cloud service, which provides users with a web-based development environment in the form of a JupyterLab workspace.

  • Dust aerosol campaign validates Aeolus data

    Prepared, implemented and executed by a consortium of French universities and research institutions, under the umbrella of the French Space Agency (CNES) and the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the Clouds-Atmospheric Dynamics–Dust Interactions in West Africa (CADDIWA) campaign took place on Sal Island in Cape Verde, from 6 to 25 September 2021.

  • Aeolus L2A Aerosol/Cloud optical product

    The Level 2A aerosol/cloud optical products of the Aeolus mission include: Geo-located consolidated backscatter and extinction profiles Backscatter-to-extinction coefficient LIDAR ratio, scene classification Heterogeneity index Attenuated backscatter signals. Resolution: Horizontal resolution of L2A optical properties at observation scale (~87 km); Exceptions are group properties (horizontal accumulation of measurements from ~3 km to ~87 km) and attenuated backscatters (~3 km). Note: The resolution of "groups" in the L2A can only go down to 5 measurements at the moment, i.e. ~15 km horizontal resolution. This could be configured to go to 1 measurement - Vertical resolution 250-2000 m (Defined by Range Bin Settings).