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  • WATS - Water Vapour and Temperature in the Troposphere and Stratosphere.pdf

    This report describes the WATS mission, one of the candidate Earth Explorers in the second cycle in 2001.

  • WALES - Water Vapour Lidar Experiment in Space

    This report describes the WALES mission, one of the candidate Earth Explorers in the second cycle in 2001.

  • Validation Report following the 3rd MERIS data reprocessing

    This document prepared by the MERIS Quality Working Group (QWG) corresponds to the Validation Report following the 3rd MERIS data reprocessing. It aims at qualifying and quantifying the accuracy of the MERIS L2 products generated with the version 8.0 of MERIS Ground Segment prototype (MEGS), delivered to the whole community through the ODESA software ( It is equivalent to version 6.0 of the Instrument Processing Facilities (IPF) at ESRIN.

  • Transforming space data into climate action

    ESA’s Earth observation activities are playing a key role in the revitalised global drive to combat climate change.

  • TIGER Initiative - Looking After Water in Africa

    This brochure presents images from the second TIGER Workshop, held in Pretoria from 08 to 10 November 2004. The images show locations in Africa acquired by Meteosat-8, Envisat's ASAR and MERIS instruments and Proba-1's HRC instrument.

  • The Nine Candidate Earth Explorer Missions - Land-Surface Processes and Interactions Mission

    This report for assessment addresses the Land-Surface Processes and Interactions mission when it was selected with other nine Earth Explorer missions as a potential candidate for Phase A study.

  • The four Candidate Earth Explorer Core Missions - Land-Surface Processes and Interactions Mission

    This report describes the Land-Surface Processes and Interactions Mission, one of the four Candidate Earth Explorers in 1999.

  • The Earth Observation Handbook, 2010 Update - Key Tables

    This is the 2010 update of the CEOS Earth Observation Handbook. You can browse the live database at or download the printable PDF of key tables based on the 2010 database contents for a handy reference.

  • Temporary interruption to Envisat AATSR dissemination service

    A planned downtime will affect the access to the ftp dissemination server for the Envisat AATSR data during the period 13-15 February 2024.

  • SPECTRA-Surface-Processes-and-Ecosystem-Changes-Through-Response-Analysis.pdf

    This report describes the SPECTRA mission, one of the candidate Earth Explorers in the second cycle in 2001.


    ESA's SPectra bARrax Campaign (SPARC) activity was part of the preparatory study for a proposed ESA Earth Explorer mission called SPECTRA. The objective was to collect a CHRIS/PROBA reference dataset for SPECTRA-related studies.

  • Space-Technologies-for-Water-Resources-Management-in-Africa.pdf

    This brochure presents images from Envisat's MERIS and ASAR instruments of locations in Africa, as presented at the TIGER Workshop in Rabat, Morocco, from 06 to 08 October 2003.

  • Space data support Earth’s ecosystems

    ESA’s Earth observation (EO) missions are making a critical contribution to monitoring transformations in our planet’s ecosystems, helping track changes in the vegetation, soil, and ocean that affect these systems.

  • SMOS-ESAs-Water-Mission-Fact-sheet.pdf

    This document provided a series of information on the SMOS mission.


    The Advanced Clouds, Aerosols and WAter vapour products for Sentinel-3/OLCI project aims to develop and improve the advanced atmospheric retrieval algorithms developed for MERIS and OLCI instruments.


    The main objective of Sen3Exp (Sentinel-3 Experimental Campaign) was to provide a comprehensive dataset that covers all Sentinel-3 OLCI and SLSTR bands that is to be used for the algorithm prototype and ground segment processor development.


    The main objective of Sen3Exp (Sentinel-3 Experimental Campaign) was to provide a comprehensive dataset that covers all Sentinel-3 OLCI and SLSTR bands that is to be used for the algorithm prototype and ground segment processor development.

  • Radar-Altimeter-Ground-Processing-Requirement.pdf

    This document defines the Fast Delivery Ground Processing Algorithm Requirements for the ERS-1 Radar Altimeter. It does not include the basic tasks of decoding the telemetry stream, and assumes that the relevant parameters have been extracted for ingestion into the algorithms presented here.

  • RA-Characterisation-Data.pdf

    This document can be regarded as a first issue of the long-awaited RA Characterisation Database. It contains values for all parameters which have been requested, except for some special cases which will be explained later. It contains many other parameters as well. For example it also contains all the parameters used in the LRDPF (and referred to in ER-RP-DSF-SY-0007) except for the parameters forseen to be updated frequently, such as the barometric pressure field (which will come from ECMWF).