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  • What is CRYO2ICE?

    Learn about CRYO2ICE, an innovative campaign producing near simultaneous acquisitions over Antarctica from the CryoSat and ICESAT-2 missions, in this new infographic.

  • Updated CryoSat magnetometer data now available with new baseline 0201

    An improved version of the CryoSat magnetic field data is now available on the Swarm Dissemination Server with new baseline 0201.

  • Updated CryoSat magnetometer data now available

    An improved version of the CryoSat magnetic field data (version 0102) is now available in the "#CryoSat-2" folder of the ESA FTP server.

  • Unlocking ESA's Heritage Missions data archive

    Join us as we enter ESA's Heritage Missions data archive, which stores Earth observation data dating back to the 1970s.

  • Tropical Storm Alberto (Florida), June 2006

    Explore Tropical Storm Alberto progression over Florida in 2004, through Envisat satellite imagery.

  • Transforming space data into climate action

    ESA’s Earth observation activities are playing a key role in the revitalised global drive to combat climate change.

  • Trailblazing ERS-2 mission enables climate change applications

    As ESA’s ERS-2 satellite approaches Earth’s atmosphere for reentry, it’s time to reflect on the mission’s great achievements in powering climate-related applications.

  • The COSMO-SkyMed series - Two generations of SAR satellites

    Learn about the COSMO-SkyMed (Constellation of small Satellites for the Mediterranean basin Observation) series in our latest infographic.

  • Systematic swath elevation and monthly DEMs over the Greenland Ice Sheet margin from CryoSat

    The CryoTEMPO-EOLIS (Elevation Over Land Ice from Swath), the first of the CryoTEMPO products, is now available.

  • Systematic swath elevation and monthly DEMs over the Antarctica Ice Sheet margin from CryoSat 2

    Land-ice is declining globally, raising sea levels worldwide and impacting glacial risks and access to fresh-water in high-mountain glaciers regions.

  • Stunning new features for ESA and NASA altimetry portal

    Working with combined ESA and NASA altimetry data is easier than ever thanks to a range of handy new features on

  • Space and the Arctic 2009 Workshop

    Temperatures in the Arctic are rising at an unprecedented rate. This workshop looked at the needs and challenges of working and living in the rapidly changing Arctic and explore how space-based services might help to meet those needs.

  • SMOS sea ice thickness Arctic winter season 2021/2022 data available

    SMOS Sea Ice thickness level 3 and level 4 data products are now available for the Arctic winter season 2021/2022.

  • SMOS L3 Sea Ice Thickness

    The SMOS Level 3 Sea Ice Thickness product, in NetCDF format, provides daily estimations of SMOS-retrieved sea ice thickness (and its uncertainty) at the edge of the Arctic Ocean during the October-April (winter) season, from year 2010 onwards. The sea ice thickness is retrieved from the SMOS L1C product, up to a depth of approximately 0.5-1 m, depending on the ice temperature and salinity. Daily maps, projected on polar stereographic grid of 12.5 km, are generated by the Alfred Wegener Institut (AWI). This product is complementary with sea ice thickness measurements from ESA's CryoSat and Copernicus Sentinel-3 missions.

  • SMOS - CryoSat L4 Sea Ice Thickness

    The SMOS-CryoSat merged Sea Ice Thickness Level 4 product, in NetCDF format, is based on estimates from both the MIRAS and the SIRAL instruments with a significant reduction in the relative uncertainty for the thickness of the thin ice. A weekly averaged preliminary product is generated every day by the Alfred Wegener Institut (AWI) by merging the weekly CryoSat Sea Ice Thickness product and the daily SMOS Sea Ice Thickness retrieval. A final product is provided with a latency of about 3-4 weeks using a different global sea ice concentration product and a reprocessed CryoSat product. All grids are projected onto the 25 km EASE2 Grid based on a polar aspect spherical Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection. The grid dimension is 5400 x 5400 km, equal to a 432 x 432 grid centered on the geographic pole. Coverage is limited to the October-April (winter) period for the Northern Hemisphere, due to the melting season, from year 2010 onwards.

  • Showcasing success stories from ESA's Heritage Missions

    Find out how ESA's Heritage Space Programme data continue to help, even decades after they finished operations, in our latest infographic.

  • Showcasing success stories from ESA's CryoSat mission

    ESA's ice mission, CryoSat, was launched in 2010 and carried an advanced radar altimeter to measure Earth's cryosphere.

  • Showcasing Fundamental Data Records for Altimetry

    ESA has developed a comprehensive suite of Earth system data records as part of the Fundamental Data Records for Altimetry (FDR4ALT) project.

  • Seventh CryoSat Quality Working Group meeting - final report

    The 7th CryoSat Quality Working Group (QWG) meeting Summary and Recommendation Report are available to download.

  • SeaSat ESA archive

    This collection gives access to the complete SEASAT dataset acquired by ESA and mainly covers Europe. The dataset comprises some of the first ever SAR data recorded for scientific purposes, reprocessed with the most recent processor. The Level-1 products are available as: SAR Precision Image [SEA_PRI_1P] SAR Single Look Complex Image [SEA_SLC_1P] SAR Ellipsoid Geocoded Precision Image [SEA_GEC_1P] Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.