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  • TerraSAR-X ESA archive

    The TerraSAR-X ESA archive collection consists of TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X products requested by ESA supported projects over their areas of interest around the world. The dataset regularly grows as ESA collects new products over the years. TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Image Products can be acquired in 6 image modes with flexible resolutions (from 0.25m to 40m) and scene sizes. Thanks to different polarimetric combinations and processing levels the delivered imagery can be tailored specifically to meet the requirements of the application. The following list delineates the characteristics of the SAR imaging modes that are disseminated under ESA Third Party Missions (TPM). StripMap (SM): Resolution 3 m, Scene size 30x50 km2 (up to 30x1650 km2) SpotLight (SL): Resolution 2 m, Scene size 10x10 km2 Staring SpotLight (ST): Resolution 0.25m, Scene size 4x3.7 km2 High Resolution SpotLight (HS): Resolution 1 m, Scene size 10x5 km2 ScanSAR (SC): Resolution 18 m, Scene size 100x150 km2 (up to 100x1650 km2) Wide ScanSAR (WS): Resolution 40 m, Scene size 270x200 km2 (up to 270x1500 km2) The following list briefly delineates the available processing levels for the TerraSAR-X dataset: SSC (Single Look Slant Range Complex) in DLR-defined COSAR binary format MGD (Multi Look Ground Range Detected) in GeoTiff format • GEC (Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected) in GeoTiff format EEC (Enhanced Ellipsoid Corrected in GeoTiff format Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. As per ESA policy, very high-resolution data over conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X full archive and tasking

    TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X full archive and new tasking products can be acquired in six image modes with flexible resolutions (from 0.25 m to 40 m) and scene sizes and are provided in different packages: Staring SpotLight (basic, Interferometric pack, and Maritime pack) High Resolution SpotLight (basic, Interferometric pack, and Maritime pack) SpotLight (basic, Interferometric pack, and Maritime pack) StripMap (basic, Interferometric pack, and Maritime pack) ScanSAR (basic and Maritime pack) Wide ScanSAR (basic and Maritime pack) Product Overview Products SAR-ST SAR-HS SAR-SL SAR-SM SAR-SC SAR-WS Instrument mode Staring Spotlight High Resolution SpotLight SpotLight StripMap ScanSAR Wide ScanSAR Available resolutions (up to) 0.25 m 1 m 2 m 3 m 18 m 40 m Scene size 4x3.7 km2 10x5 km2 10x10 km2 30x50 km2 (up to 30x1650) 100x150 km2 (up to 100x1650) 270x200 km2 (up to 270x1500) Available processing levels SSC (Single Look Slant Range Complex): azimuth - slant range (time domain) MGD (Multi Look Ground Range Detected): azimuth - ground range (without terrain correction) GEC (Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected): map geometry with ellipsoidal corrections only (no terrain correction performed) EEC (Enhanced Ellipsoid Corrected): map geometry with terrain correction, using a DEM Format SSC: DLR-defined COSAR binary MGD: GeoTiff GEC: GeoTiff EEC: GeoTiff Spatial coverage Worldwide Interferometry package InSAR-ST, InSAR-HS, InSAR-SL, InSAR-SM Only SSC At least five ordered scenes within six months from first order N/A N/A Maritime Monitoring package MmSAR-ST, MmSAR-HS, MmSAR-SL, MmSAR-SM, MmSAR-SC, MmSAR-WS Only SSC, MGD, GEC At least 75% of the scene area is water More than five ordered scenes in three months The following WorldDEM products can be requested: Products Description WorldDEMcore WorldDEMcore is output of interferometric processing of StripMap data pairs without any post-processing WorldDEMTM WorldDEMTM is produced based on WorldDEMcore, representing the surface of the Earth (including buildings, infrastructure and vegetation). Hydrological consistency is ensured WorldDEM DTM In additional editing steps, WorldDEMTMis transformed into a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) representing bare Earth elevation WorldDEM Bundle Includes WorldDEMTM, WorldDEM DTM, and Quality Layers The main specifications of the WorldDEM products are: Horizontal Coordinate Reference System: World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84-G1150) Vertical Coordinate Reference System: Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM2008) Absolute Horizontal Accuracy: <6 m Vertical Accuracy: 2 m Relative, 4 m Absolute Quality Layers (including water body mask) can be requested as an option with the WorldDEM and WorldDEM DTM Auxiliary Layers are delivered together with the WorldDEMcore product As per ESA policy, very high-resolution data over conflict areas cannot be provided.

  • GOSAT TANSO FTS and CAI full archive and new products

    The TANSO-FTS instrument on-board GOSAT satellite features high optical throughput, fine spectral resolution, and a wide spectral coverage (from VIS to TIR in four bands). The reflective radiative energy is covered by the VIS and SWIR (Shortwave Infrared) ranges, while the emissive portion of radiation from Earth's surface and the atmosphere is covered by the MWIR (Midwave Infrared) and TIR (Thermal Infrared) ranges. These spectra include the absorption lines of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). The TANSO-CAI instrument on-board GOSAT satellite is a radiometer in the spectral ranges of ultraviolet (UV), visible, and SWIR to correct cloud and aerosol interference. The imager has continuous spatial coverage, a wider field of view, and higher spatial resolution than the FTS in order to detect the aerosol spatial distribution and cloud coverage. Using the multispectral bands, the spectral characteristics of the aerosol scattering can be retrieved together with optical thickness. In addition, the UV-band range observations provide the aerosol data over land. With the FTS spectra, imager data, and the retrieval algorithm to remove cloud and aerosol contamination, the column density of the gases can be the column density of the gases can be retrieved with an accuracy of 1%. The full ESA archive and newly acquired/systematically processed GOSAT FTS and CAI products are available in the following processing levels: FTS Observation mode 1 L1B, day (FTS_OB1D_1) FTS Observation mode 1 L1B, night (FTS_OB1N_1) FTS Special Observation L1B, day (FTS_SPOD_1) FTS Special Observation L1B, night (FTS_SPON_1) FTS L2 CO2 profile, TIR (FTS_P01T_2) FTS L2 CH4 profile, TIR (FTS_P02T_2) FTS L2 CH4 column amount, SWIR (FTS_C02S_2) FTS L2 CO2 column amount, SWIR (FTS_C01S_2) FTS L2 H2O column amount, SWIR (FTS_C03S_2) FTS L3 global CO2 distribution, SWIR (FTS_C01S_3) FTS L3 global CH4 distribution, SWIR (FTS_C02S_3) FTS L4A global CO2 flux, annual in text format (FTS_F01M4A) FTS L4A global CO2 flux, annual in netCDF format (FTS_F03M4A) FTS L4A global CO2 distribution (FTS_P01M4B) FTS L4A global CH4 flux, annual in text format (FTS_F02M4A) FTS L4A global CH4 flux, annual in netCDF format (FTS_F04M4A) FTS L4A global CH4 distribution (FTS_P02M4B) CAI L1B data (CAI_TRB0_1) CAI L1B+ (CAI_TRBP_1) CAI L2 cloud flag (CAI_CLDM_2) CAI L3 global reflect. distrib. clear sky (CAI_TRCF_3) CAI L3 global radiance distrib. all pixels (CAI_TRCL_3) CAI L3 global NDVI (CAI_NDVI_3). All products are made available as soon as processed and received from JAXA. To satisfy NearRealTime requirements, ESA also provides access to the FTS L1X products, which are the NRT version of FTS L1B products. The main difference between L1X and L1B is that L1X does not include CAM data, best-estimate pointing-location, and target point classification, but most of all the L1X products are available on the ESA server between 2 and 5 hours after acquisition. The L1X products remains on the FTP server for 5 days, the time for the corresponding L1B to be available. A document describing the differences between L1X and L1B products is listed in the available resources. For more details on products, please refer to below product specifications.