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    The TOLEOS (Thermosphere Observations from Low-Earth Orbiting Satellites) project will produce thermosphere mass density observations from the accelerometer measurements of the GRACE, GRACE-FO, and CHAMP satellites.

  • SLAP

    The SLAP (Systematic Landsat Archive Processing) project covers the MSS, TM and ETM+ products from Landsat missions 1 – 7, and is the first systematic reprocessing of the ESA Landsat archive.

  • Multi-Approach Gravity Field models from Swarm GPS data

    Multi-Approach Gravity Field models from Swarm GPS data project aims to provide quality gravity field models from Swarm data that constitute an alternative and independent source of gravimetric data.

  • ESA's multi-level global thermosphere data products consistent with Swarm and GRACE (-FO)

    In this project, the possibility of using the space-based along-track Thermospheric Neutral Density (TND) estimates for generating the European Space Agency (ESA)'s Level 3 (L3) global multi-level TND data products is assessed.

  • EDAP

    The ESA Earthnet Data Assessment Pilot (EDAP) project will perform assessments for various missions to ensure the delivered data is fit for purpose.

  • DynamicEarth - SPP 1788

    DynamicEarth - SPP 1788 Priority Programme is a project to quantify terrestrial transport mechanisms and solar-terrestrial interactions, and build on data from satellites on low-Earth orbits.