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  • Swarm DISC pre-study 5.1 

    Understanding the complex dynamics of neutral winds in the upper atmosphere is crucial for understanding thermosphere-ionosphere interactions. However, the limited availability of measurements and data coverage has hindered the comprehensive characterization of these winds.


    The project SWESMAG relies on magnetic field data from Swarm to investigate Space Weather (SWE) effects related to Geomagnetic Induced Currents (GICs), driven mainly by rapid variations of the ionospheric Polar Electrojet (PEJ) currents and quantified (loosely) by the variation of the horizontal ground magnetic field component dH/dt.

  • Monitoring of Ionospheric Gradients At Swarm (MIGRAS)

    Precision and safety of life applications using trans-ionospheric signals require key information on space weather conditions in particular on the perturbation degree of the ionosphere.

  • ESA's multi-level global thermosphere data products consistent with Swarm and GRACE (-FO)

    In this project, the possibility of using the space-based along-track Thermospheric Neutral Density (TND) estimates for generating the European Space Agency (ESA)'s Level 3 (L3) global multi-level TND data products is assessed.

  • Swarm-SWITCH

    Space weather in the thermosphere-ionosphere can have a variety of adverse effects on technological systems, for example by affecting radio signals and satellite orbits.

  • Dipolar Spherical Elementary Current Systems (DSECS) toolbox

    The purpose of this project is to create a user-friendly version of a previously developed analysis method for estimating ionospheric currents at low and middle latitudes.