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  • How much data may I request in a Project Proposal?

    Access to some restrained data collections distributed by ESA require submission of a Project Proposal. These collections are typically for Third Party Missions when the data provider can only offer a limited amount of data.

  • How to find the geographical and temporal coverage of the ESA TPM archive collections

    Explore the ESA TPM archive collections, containing Earth Observation data from international partners, and learn how to discover their geographical and temporal coverage for research and pre-operational applications.

  • What are the Terms of Applicability?

    Essential information about data ordering, accessibility conditions, and distribution constraints for TPM EO data.

  • A summary of ESA Third Party Mission collections

    A new summary is available, showcasing the ESA archives for Third Party Mission collections.

  • New open-source Python library improves rapid mapping services

    In emergency services, rapid response is paramount. ICube-SERTIT’s Rapid Mapping Service provides near real-time delivery of geo-information to help emergency services respond quickly to disasters such as flooding, fires and landslides. A new Python open-source library, called EOReader, speeds up this mapping response by enabling the easy opening of imagery from multiple satellite sensors, both optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR).

  • Timeline to over 40 years of historical satellite missions

    ESA's Heritage Space Programme preserves historical data from over 40 years of Earth observation missions.

  • A stroll through Heritage Missions

    At ESA's Earth Observation centre—ESRIN—in Frascati, Italy, there is a place where one can walk back in time, to better understand the history and importance of Heritage Missions and their data.

  • SPOT 1-5 ESA archive

    The ESA SPOT 1-5 collection is a dataset of SPOT 1 to 5 Panchromatic and Multispectral products that ESA collected over the years. The HRV(IR) sensor onboard SPOT 1-4 provides data at 10 m spatial resolution Panchromatic mode (-1 band) and 20 m (Multispectral mode -3 or 4 bands). The HRG sensor on board of SPOT-5 provides spatial resolution of the imagery to < 3 m in the panchromatic band and to 10 m in the multispectral mode (3 bands). The SWIR band imagery remains at 20 m. The dataset mainly focuses on European and African sites but some American, Asian and Greenland areas are also covered. Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service. The SPOT Collection

  • IRS-1C/1D Full archive

    The following products are available: PAN: Panchromatic, resolution 5 m, Coverage 70 km x 70 km, radiometrically and ortho (DN) corrected, LISS-III: Multi-spectral, resolution 25 m, Coverage 140 km x 140 km, radiometrically and ortho (DN) corrected (ortho delivered without Band 5) WiFS: Multi-spectral, resolution 180 m, Coverage 800 km x 800 km, radiometrically and ortho (DN) corrected. Sensor Type Resolution (m) Coverage (km x km) System or radiometrically corrected Ortho corrected (DN) Global archive PAN Panchromatic 5 70 x 70 X X 1996 – 2007 (IRS-1C) 1998 – 2009 (IRS-1D) LISS-III Multi-spectral 25 140 x 140 X X (without band 5) WiFS Multi-spectral 180 800 km x 800 km X X Note: Whether system corrected or radiometrically corrected products are available depends on sensor and processing centre For PAN and LISS-III ortho corrected: If unavailable, user has to supply ground control information and DEM in suitable quality For WiFS ortho corrected: service based on in house available ground control information and DEM. The products are available as part of the GAF Imagery products from the Indian missions: IRS-1C, IRS-1D, CartoSat-1 (IRS-P5), ResourceSat-1 (IRS-P6) and ResourceSat-2 (IRS-R2) missions. IRS-1C/1D Full archive collection has worldwide coverage: data can be requested by contacting GAF user support to check the readiness since no catalogue is not available. All details about the data provision, data access conditions and quota assignment procedure are described in the Terms of Applicability.

  • IRS-1C/1D European coverage

    IRS-1C/1D dataset is composed of products generated by the Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) Satellites 1C/1D PAN sensor. The products, acquired from 1996 to 2004 over Europe, are radiometrically and ortho corrected level 1 black and white images at 5 metre resolution and cover an area of up to 70 x 70 km. Sensor Type Resolution (m) Coverage (km x km) System or radiometrically corrected Ortho corrected (DN) Acquisition in Neustrelitz PAN Panchromatic 5 70 x 70 X X 1996 - 2004 IRS-1C/1D PAN data coverage of Europe acquired between 1996 to 1998. Copyright: 2015 GAF AG IRS-1C/1D PAN data coverage of Europe acquired between 1999 to 2001. Copyright: 2015 GAF AG IRS-1C/1D PAN data coverage of Europe acquired between 2002 to 2004. Copyright: 2015 GAF AG Spatial coverage: Check the spatial coverage of the collection on a map available on the Third Party Missions Dissemination Service.

  • ESA will continue to provide ocean colour data from Indian mission

    To further promote research and applications, ESA and a leading geo-information company agree to continue data acquisition from OceanSat-2.

  • How do I access the ESA Third Party Mission (TPM) data?

    Access ESA Third Party Mission (TPM) data by applying with 'Fast Registration with Immediate Access' or 'Fast Registration with Approval.

  • What is the ESA online On-The-Fly dissemination service?

    Explore ESA's On-The-Fly dissemination service (L-OADS), featuring Third Party Missions and ESAR products enabling immediate downloads upon request with a valid EO Sign-In account.

  • ESA-archive-third-party-mission-collections.pdf

    Discover the ESA archive data collections offered for the Third Party Missions programme.

  • FedEO

    FedEO is a data catalogue that provides a unique entry point to a number of scientific catalogues and services for, but not limited to, European and Canadian missions.

  • ESA PDGS DataCube

    ESA's DataCube is a data catalogue that enables multi-temporal and pixel-based access to a subset of data available from ESA

  • EO CAT

    EO CAT is a data catalogue, offering a Next Generation Earth Observation system designed to manage end-user Earth Observation services.

  • Heritage Space Programme interactive brochure

    Learn about ESA's Heritage Space Programme in this interactive brochure.

  • Heritage Missions brochure

    This brochure describes ESA's Heritage Space Programme and includes infographics describing some of the missions in the programme.

  • Third Party Missions Brochure

    This brochure summarises ESA's Third Party Missions programme, providing a timeline and examples of content related to some of the missions.