earth online

New GRACE and GRACE-FO thermosphere datasets released

22 Jul 2022

The Swarm DISC project Thermosphere Observations from Low-Earth Orbiting Satellites (TOLEOS) reprocessed all GRACE and GRACE-FO data to obtain new thermosphere density and crosswind datasets, which are now available on the Swarm dissemination server:

  • /Multimission/GRACE/DNS/Sat_1
  • /Multimission/GRACE/DNS/Sat_2
  • /Multimission/GRACE/WND/Sat_1
  • /Multimission/GRACE/WND/Sat_2
  • /Multimission/GRACE-FO/DNS/Sat_1


Information on orbital conjunctions can be found in this folder:

  • /Multimission/Combined_Mission_Data/Conjunction


A new CHAMP dataset will be released later this year. Note that the data from the GRACE-FO 2 satellite will not be processed for thermosphere observations due to insufficient accelerometer performance.

For more information on the contents of these data products, the TOLEOS Product Definition Document is available for download. For further information, please refer to the TOLEOS project page.
