earth online

New EFI TII Cross-Track Flow dataset 0301 available

19 Jun 2020

An updated version of TII cross-track flow dataset (TIICT version 0301) is now available for all the Swarm satellites.

The TIICT 0301 dataset covers the period from December 2013 to 06 June 2020 and is available at both 2Hz and 16Hz sample rate.

This new release corrects a bug in the version 0201 resulting in too large ion drift and electric field magnitudes by approximately 35% for measurements made prior to mid-September 2018.

  • The 2Hz dataset is located on the Swarm dissemination server under the folder:
  • The 16Hz dataset is located on the Swarm dissemination server under the folder:

More information can be found by consulting the Technical Notes, where the section 4.1 describes the changes with respect to the previous release.
