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Envisat MIPAS data now available on new ESA Dissemination Server

24 Aug 2023

The latest reprocessed Envisat MIPAS Level 1 and Level 2 datasets have now been migrated from simple FTP access to the new online Dissemination service for ESA Heritage Missions (HM) Atmospheric data.

The new service is collection based and allows data browsing and download via treeview, filename or advanced catalogue search, e.g., on specific MIPAS Level 2 Chemical Species.

The dissemination service for ESA Heritage Missions (HM) Atmospheric data
The dissemination service for ESA Heritage Missions (HM) Atmospheric data

Data download is available via HTTPS, including bulk download functionality, as well as via FTPS (ftps:// via common FTP clients using implicit FTP over TLS. In both cases, log in with your own ESA EO Sign In credentials is required.

For further information about the ESA EO Sign In Service you can visit TellUs.

Dismissal of former FTP server

The former FTP account (, containing the same MIPAS data, will be disabled on 30 September 2023. Users are recommended to complete any downloading activities in due time.

MIPAS Data Descriptions

Information on the latest version of the MIPAS Level 1 and Level 2 products, related documentation, and how to access the data can be found on the following data description pages:

Future Migration

In the future, other ESA Heritage Missions Atmospheric data collections (i.e., Envisat SCIAMACHY, GOMOS, ERS-2 GOME and FDR4ATMOS) will be gradually migrated or released directly on the new service, hence facilitating common access to the ESA HM Atmospheric data.

Should you need support to access the data, please contact EOHelp.
