earth online

WorldView-4 Objectives

Mission Objectives

The performance of WorldView-4 meets the industry-leading quality standards of the WorldView fleet and joins WorldView-3 as the world's only commercial satellites capable of achieving 30 cm native resolution. Imagery with this level of detail enables users to reliably read street markings, distinguish between cars, trucks, and vans, and confidently understand activities of significance.


The SpaceView 110 sensor carried aboard WorldView-4 provided the highest resolution satellite imagery commercially available.

  • Up to 31 cm panchromatic resolution and up to 1.24 m multispectral resolution
  • Industry-leading geolocation accuracy
  • High capacity in various collection modes
  • Bi-directional scanning
  • Rapid retargeting using Control Moment Gyros (more than twice as fast as that offered by other satellites) resulting in superior area and point target collection capability. Time to slew 200 km: 10.6 seconds.
  • Direct access tasking from, and image transmission to, customer sites
  • Daily revisit capability
  • Precision geolocation possible without ground control points