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  • TanSat
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  • TanSat objectives

TanSat Objectives

Mission Objectives

Global chlorophyll flourescence map
First global terrestrial solar-induced chlorophyll flourescence mapping from TanSat data. Copyright: AIRCAS-CAS 2018

The primary objective of the TanSat mission is to recover the CO2 column-averaged dry-air mole. The project should improve knowledge about the global CO2 distribution and how it contributes to climate change. The mission is also intended to monitor the CO2 variation on seasonal time scales.

Global XCO2 map
Global XCO2 map produced from TanSat data in nadir mode in July 2017. The marks over the map indicate XCO2 values in parts per million. Copyright: IAP-CAS 2018

The mission supports four main research topics:

  • Measurements of CO2 near-infrared absorption, throughout a high-resolution Carbon Dioxide Spectrometer
  • Cloud and aerosol high-resolution measurement, that are used to compensate the CO2 measurement errors
  • Capability to perform scientific observations in multiple ways, thanks to the two instruments (ACGS and CAPI) carried by the TanSAT spacecraft
  • Retrieving atmosphere column-averaged CO2 dry air mole fraction (XCO2) and performing data validation by means of ground-based CO2 monitoring