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LPVE: Land Product Validation and Evolution workshop

28-Jan - 30-Jan 2014

ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy

The European Space Agency is organising a workshop on atmospheric chemistry and composition validation and product evolution.
Scientists and Cal/Val experts are provided with the opportunity to present latest results from their ongoing research, including the evolution of algorithms and new validation methods.

During this workshop the status of the recently reprocessed data sets from atmospheric instruments on ERS-2 and Envisat will be presented. In addition results from Metop and ESA Third Party Missions  (GOSAT, Odin, OMI, SciSat, Terra/Aqua) and other atmospheric composition missions will be addressed. Contributions for future ESA missions (Earth Explorers, Sentinels) using existing data sets and Cal/Val infrastructures are encouraged.




The Workshop has the objectives to:

  • Present Cal/Val results from ENVISAT, ERS and Third Party Mission Atmospheric Chemistry and Composition products, as well as related missions from other space agencies, compared to independent measurements from ground, airborne, and satellite instruments
  • Formulate recommendations for future algorithm improvements, Cal/Val activities and new products
  • Provide a forum for Cal/Val experts of future atmospheric composition missions such as for the Earth Explorers and the Sentinels
  • Identify key Cal/Val issues and recommendation for future validation activities
  • Encourage close collaboration between Cal/Val and research groups

Proposed Themes


  • Calibration of measured radiances from satellites and validation instrumentation 
  • Absorption/emission cross-sections 
  • Validation, evolution and new developments of products related to:
    • Trace gases in the troposphere
    • Trace gases in the stratosphere
    • Trace gases in the upper atmosphere
    • Greenhouse gases
    • Water vapour, clouds and aerosols
    • Thermodynamic state of the atmosphere
  • Validation instrumentation development and inter-calibration 
  • Validation measurement and inter-comparison data bases and protocols


Schedule and Deadline

Abstract submission7 December 2012
Notification of acceptance25 January 2013
Preliminary Programme15 February 2013
Release of final programmeAt the conference
Submission of full paperAt the conference





The official language of this conference was English.

The conference has been organized around:

  • Oral and poster presentations selected by the Scientific Committee 
  • Round table discussions seeded with questions prepared by the Scientific Committee and ESA


 Contact Information



Conference Co-ordination  Logistics
A. Dehn (ESA)
S. Casadio (ESA) 
T. Fehr (ESA) 
B. Bojkov (ESA) 
 ESA Conference Bureau
Tel:  +39 06 94 18 09 12
Fax: +39 06 94 18 09 02