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10 Years of GOME on ERS-2 Workshop

20-Apr - 20-Apr 2005

ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands

On 21 April 1995, the European Space Agency launched the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) aboard the second European Remote Sensing satellite (ERS-2). GOME is the first European passive remote sensing instrument operating in the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared wavelength regions whose primary objective is the determination of the amounts and distributions of atmospheric trace constituents. The workshop summarises instrument condition, performance, calibration activities as well as reports on scientific results obtained during the decade in orbit.


GOME - 10 Years - Workshop Conclusions (1,3 MB)

Session 1 (9,96 MB)

Session 2 (143 MB)

Session 3 (12,6 MB)

Session 4 (24,8 MB)

Poster Session (4,97 MB)

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