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Long term data series show trends

31 Mar 2022

Long term data series show trends

Title: Long term data series show trends

Description: The image shows the different rates of glacier flow in Antarctica over the 20-year period, 1996-2016, illustrating how glaciers in the Getz region (shown with the black rectangle) accelerated in their flow towards the ocean. Data from multiple missions (ALOS, Envisat, ERS-1, ERS-2, Landsat-8, RADARSAT-1, RADARSAT-2, Sentinel-1, TanDEM-X, and TerraSAR-X) were used to measure this glacier flow. Long-term data sets from missions in the Heritage space programme are useful for researching oceanic trends.

Copyright: ESA/MEaSUREs version 2, 1996–2016 (multimission data), NASA, NSIDC/BAS.
