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SCIRoCCo's approach to address the Agency needs to group state-of-art scatterometer competences and to promote the exploitation of the valuable ERS Scatterometer mission dataset, was a team model that worked in a very collaborative way on a set of work-packages. Activities were grouped by homogenous conceptual functionality (horizontal layer: tasks) that were represented as specific Scatterometer data usage: Sensors Cross-calibration, ocean application, land application (vertical layer).

SCIRoCCo project schedule

SCIRoCCo project schedule

  • Task 1 - The objective was to set up a common framework of reference over which to build the scientific and educational activities. The outcome of this task was consolidated documentation on Scatterometry: Glossary, Handbook and Recommendation for Project Evolution.
  • Task 2 - The objective was support to ERS Scatterometer missions reprocessing (ERS-1 and ERS-2). The outcomes of this task were the inter sensor calibration, the generation of the reprocessing configuration to assure an homogenous ERS Scatterometer dataset, the production of level 2 soil moisture (ERS-2) in nominal and high resolution and the conversion of the ERS dataset into netCDF format.
  • Task 3 - The objective was the creation of web-portal for the scientific and user community
  • Task 4 - The objective was to initiate, foster, and facilitate the creation of the best environment for the maturation of the next-generation scientific community. To do so, a student's grant system for Scatterometer data exploitation has been implemented. Research outcomes have been presented in peer reviewed papers, at international workshops and summarised in the final research reports.
  • Task 5 - The objective was the improvement of the processing algorithms and models, the validation of the dataset, the improvements in the data quality control methods. The outcomes were summarised in several Technical Notes delivered by the project.
  • Task 6 - The objective was to assure the smoothest, easiest, and quickest development of the project's activities. This included the coordination of the effort of all the parties involved in the Consortium, the responsibility for the quality and punctuality of the deliveries.