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Introducing the Aeolus and CryoSat missions

24 Mar 2023

In this video, Tommaso Parrinello describes his role as Mission Manager of the Aeolus and CryoSat missions, and what responsibilities this entails.

He also describes the unique challenges these two satellites posed, such as developing and using new technology and demonstrating to users the benefits of using new instruments.  

ESA's Aeolus mission was launched in 2018 with the primary goal of providing global observations of wind profiles. Data from the satellite's innovative Doppler Wind Lidar contribute to a variety of atmospheric applications including weather forecasting, tracking air pollution, and improving our understanding of aerosols, clouds and climate change.

The CryoSat mission is dedicated to monitoring Earth's cryosphere. The satellite's radar altimeter is able to measure variations in ice sheet and sea ice, providing valuable information on how the change in climate is affecting glaciers and sea ice.
