earth online





Explore the European Space Agency's Earth Observation satellite missions. Learn all about ESA's dedicated Earth Explorers or collaborations with other agencies through the Third Party Missions programme.
  • MIPAS Quality Control Reports

    Maps are currently available only for a limited part of the mission.

  • Products Availability L0

    Last update on 29 March 2017 - Issue 1.3 Year Total orbits Products available Percentage of availability Products currently

  • Products Availability L2

    7.03 Last update on 25 May 2016 - Issue 1.0 Year Total orbits Products available Percentage of availability L0 products currently

  • Products Anomalies

    The status of the MIPAS consolidated data sets currently available can be accessed here.

  • MERIS Applications

    altimeters, have a remarkable sensitivity to the roughness and height of the ocean surface, enabling the detection of ocean currents

  • Envisat Objectives

          x     x Turbidity       x             Wave Characteristics x   x               Near Surface Wind x   x               Current

  • MIPAS Processor Releases

    day/night discrimination REPRO Phase F 5.06 migsp 2.7 mical 1.6 4L 1C 5B 4C 8.6 Bug fixes: - Wrong 'Number of sweeps in current

  • MERIS Overview

    Spatial and temporal models of the biosphere are currently being developed to study the mechanics of such complex systems

  • Products Anomalies

    A reprocessing activity is currently on-going.